First time grow,

Discussion in 'First Time Marijuana Growers' started by Firsttime777, Nov 5, 2023.

  1. Hello, I just got into the 8th week of flowering, and my plants are like this, brown, can someone tell me something, any help?

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  2. What are you (not) feeding her? Should be using something rich in K&P at this stage. A bit of fading is ok, but she seems a bit on the far end of it.
  3. Just from the single picture posted and lack of info...

    It looks like this plant has been fed heavily, especially with n.
  4. I'm using dense bud compactor
    Composition of Dense Bud Compactor
    Nitrogen (N): 0%
    Phosphorus (P): 0%
    Potassium (K): 62%

    100g for 100 liter
  5. And bloombastick by atami pk 14-15
  6. what about calmag?
    I see you are doubling down on the potassium (K); any reason for that? If you add too much K, then you can lock out other positive ions (like Ca, Mg, etc.).
    It kinda looks like a K deficiency at first, but then that doesn't make sense; that's why I'm thinking possibly a mag def? not sure. No nitrogen in your regimen, which will lead to a fade, maybe that's all it is.

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