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First time grow!

Discussion in 'First Time Marijuana Growers' started by aldershoteagle1991, Mar 7, 2016.

  1. Hi everyone, longtime reader first time poster, I believe that I have all equipment needed to start my first grow and am very excited to get going. Am a little worried that I am going to mess it up so have a few questions. I know these have been asked before so my apologies but I'd just prefer to be able to ask them and talk with some of you experienced growers.
    I will be growing indoors in a tent with led lights, I have a toolbox I'm using as a resiviour with airstones secured to the bottom attached to a pump to blast air in for bubbles that will bubble up on the roots when they get to that stage. I have cut two holes in the lid for baskets to drop into where the plants will sit (not sure what kind of hydro setup this is?) any tips on this would be greatly appreciated.

    Nutrient wise I have 3 bottles, grow, Bloom and micro and not sure what ratio I mix there to and at what stage?

    I have royal Queens diesel autolflower seeds which I've heard are good for novices.

    Is there anything I need to make sure I've got or done before I germinate the seeds I plan on growing 2 at the same time in same resiviour. But like I said am worried I've forgotten something and will kill my seeds
    Thank you for your patience reading this lol hope to talk to allot of you throughout my grow.
  2. Can't speak to the hydro set up but if those nute bottles are General Hydroponics then the mix ratios should be right on the back, stages and all. I'm a dirt guy. Hopefully someone from hydroponics can pop in and check your set-up!

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  3. Definately post some pics. If your toolbox is less than 1' it probably won't work. You'd be better off with two 3-5gal buckets. Your roots will get tangled if they're close and if one plant dies or messes up they both will. I run the Lucas Formula with GH nutes in mine. Give it a google, pretty simple and fool proof. They won't need nutes for a good 2-3 weeks from sprout and ive read autos are light feeders. If you do follow the bottle instructions start out at 1/4 strength as they are usually way higher then what you actually need. Anymore questions just ask. Oh yeah this hydro method is called dwc or bubble buckets and is my preferred growing method
  4. DWC is not recommended for the first timers I'd be doing 2-3 indoor soil grows first just to get the hang of things, you never know you may like the taste

    either way good luck
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  5. Fugg that, I suck at soil. Always have. Dwc is very simple and easy to manage. But different strokes for different folks.
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    Will post more when I get back home but it's a bug box

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  7. I imagined a little old metal lunch pail thing haha but that seems doable then. Keep us updated
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    These are the chemicals I'm going to be using.
    Thanks for all the replays so far I think I'm going to go ahead and germinate the seeds tonight. I have the resiviour water at 5.8ph.

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  9. Seeds have been put in a shot glass of water to germinate. I have washed my clay pellet ball things and soaking rockwool cubes. Is there anything I'm forgetting?

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  10. I use the same nutes. The results have been delightful. :D

    Be kind. Perfect your craft. Give more than you take. We are family.
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  11. So do you just follow the instructions on the back? How do you use/mix them for each stage?

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  12. I do a once a week feeding. Some people like to spread it out but once a week is work well for me. There are ratios on the back so you should be mixing some of each bottle. I was growing in good soil so I skipped seedling feeding. Right around 25 days in I started with the early vegetative mix.
    The charts on the back are measured in teaspoons. Always add the micro first into the water and mix it around. Then add the grow and bloom. Once all the fertilizer is in the water let it sit for an hour, do a pH test, and then adjust the pH as needed.
    I water starts at 7 and by the time nutes are mixed in I always need exactly two drops of pH down.
    I hope that helps.

    Be kind. Perfect your craft. Give more than you take. We are family.
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  13. Thanks yeah that helps,I need a pipette to add my ph down definitely as atm I'm pouring and would be to easy to add to much!

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  14. So system is all set up and ready (I think) seeds been in shot glass for 24hr hours and has sank so put in moist paper towel. Will hopefully crack soon.

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  15. Subbed. Lets see how this works out for you

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    This morning checked seeds very small crack but no root yet so I rewetted the paper towel and will check again after work tonight. This is the tent ready and waiting do I need to cover the rockwool cubes more?

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  17. Still not appeared through the rock wool

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  18. So they finally popped through. Roots have Ashwell although only just. So I put into bigger rockwool. My light is as low as I can get it, is the height about right, I really don't want them to stretch :(,, any advice on what to do next would be great thanks for all the support

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  19. To me it looks like the light is to far away. Im also no expert and also on my first grow. If that's all you can lower it try raising the tub its self up towards the light.

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  20. If that's the case will have to find something possibly wooden pallet to rest resiviour on, thanks.
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