first time grow, what are the basics for indoor growing, low tech lol

Discussion in 'First Time Marijuana Growers' started by brobinski, Feb 3, 2011.

  1. hey so i germanated a seed and the root came out. i know that goes pointed downward but like how deep in the soil and also if i have a 100 watt light on it, how long does it have to be on for? and how much water do i give it?
  2. 1/4-1/2 inch. 18 hours is the suggested minimum but you can run it for 24 hours if you don't have a timer and it is easier for you. Is it actual 100w cfl or a 100w equiv? You may need more light. You want to keep the soil moist till you see it pop out (someone can correct me if I'm wrong because I deal with mostly clones). After that point you want to allow the soil to dry out some so the roots search for water. There is no certain amount of time. You just wait for the soil to dry out then water the plant. You can check soil moisture by sticking your fingers a couple inches deep in the pot or picking it up and checking how much it weighs (or a mixture of both). Also keep the light pretty close to the plant with a fan over it (within a few inches).
  3. Yeah, yoctown pretty much covered it. I usually place some plastic wrap over the pot to keep the humidity in and the soil moist. If that soil and seed/tap-root dries out, that's not good. The seed pops up within 2-5 days. Until that time, you don't have to keep the lights close at all, not even on...

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