First Time Grow for Fun (Blue Dream)

Discussion in 'First Time Marijuana Growers' started by cheikh, May 10, 2015.

  1. Hello everybody. I've been reading the forums for the last couple weeks here and thought I'd make my first post as I begin to move into the third week of veg on my first grow. 
    Suggestions and criticisms are welcome as I don't really have a clue what I'm doing. I couldn't pick up from my usual guy so I bought a bag of blue dream from a friend's landlord who grow's it mainly for Rick Simpson oil. There was a handful of seeds in the bag and 10 of them popped open after germinating in a glass for a couple of days. 
    When I can begin to find out the sex of each plant I will be giving the majority of them away to fellow ents as I have no room to keep all of them. 
    These are Day 1, 2 and 3 of germing in the paper towel after taking them out of the glass. The 10th seed was germinated for an additional 2 days.
    Veg Day 3
    I felt I planted the seeds a little late so I buried them on the shallower side and they popped up over night. The 10th seed came up the day after I planted it as well. I'm using two small florescent lights positioned 20 inches above the plants and regular potting soil.
    Veg Day 4
    The stems on a couple of plants are spirally and a couple others are skinny and flimsy. I positioned the florescent lights about 2 inches above the plants.
    Fast Forward
    Veg Day 13
    I lined the surfaces inside of a bookshelf with mylar for now and propped up the lights with a temporary fix. The late-planted 10th seedling in the black pot isn't growing at all and the pot is shallow and dries out too fast so I decide to transplant it into a slightly bigger pot with it's potmate soon.
    DAY13_VEG033.JPG DAY13_VEG036.JPG
    Veg Day 15
    DAY15_VEG039.JPG DAY15_VEG042.JPG
    I cut a slot in a drinking straw and slide it around the broken stem with little confidence.
    Veg Day 16
    Hello there!
    Veg Day 18
    I plan to add enough soil to the pots to bury the spirally part of the stems at the bottom. They are slightly lighter in color and look like they should be buried but I was advised not to.
    Taking a look through a lupe, this stem looks much healthier now and I have more confidence it will actually survive. As for the small one, I'm not sure why it won't grow much larger. I may separate them and transplant them all into their own individual pots.
    DAY18_VEG047.JPG DAY18_VEG062.JPG DAY18_VEG063.JPG

  2. Sorry to tell you buy man 8 haven't started veg yet...I kno it suck but your still in seedling stage. Your girls are stretching way too much... what type of light are u using and what soil are u using. You'll need to put one plant in one pot. Never put two in one.. The roots will tangle ..Grab you some CFL lights man and pop them right above your girls..
  3. #3 hihl, May 10, 2015
    Last edited: May 10, 2015
    So im just gonna throw this knowledge out there..........maybe you should have done some research about this before you started......cause putting multiple plants in a pot is a no no, you have absolutely no perlite in that soil mixture so the reason they are not growing is simply the roots are suffocated along with you not having proper lighting. If roots cant breathe then they cant expand and grow. Without roots plants have nothing to eat, and most people assume plants only intake nutrients with their leaves from photosynthesis and that is not the case, that is only half of the equation.
    So now you are going to transplant these tiny little almost 20 day old seedlings that should be small robust plants.
    This is one of my 16 day old plants.......see a difference? See all the perlite in my soil? I use 50% soil, 40% perlite and 10% vermiculite for my soil mix.
    You never add more then 1 plant per pot.........roots will get tangled and fight for food and oxygen. Also never plant a plant in a clear container as roots do not like light. As for those seedlings.......good luck man you should have maybe done some research before hand to better equip yourself. Knowledge is about 70% of growing cannabis and 29% Skill and 1% luck. (The 1% luck is due to beans not popping or bad genetics or just unfortunate mishaps that may occur during a grow)
    Also there is no reason to spray tiny plants like that, it actually damages them instead of helps them due to being indoors, when it rains outside the sun is not out and what you get is a refraction from the water with your lights and it can cause burn spots on your plants which also inhibits growth. Your soil also looks way overwatered that also contributes to slow stunted cannabis growth. Like i said before tho.....good luck man and maybe better luck next time if you can get these little guys/gals to pull through.
    16 days.jpg
  4. Welp everyone pretty much said what i was going to:
    1. never put more then one plant in a container, transplanting them is going to be a bitch with roots all tangled up. Going to have some root damage for sure.
    2. They are stretching too much, either lights are too far away or lights are inadequate, or both.
    3. Your plants are super small for their age, probably due to being root bound, i would try and carefully transplant to 5gal pots. They are so small they are still in the seedling stage at day 18
  5. That looks great at 16 days.
  6. The seed  i have germinating right now for my DWC is actually almost bigger then his plants and its only 4 days old >.> and in a papertowel XD
    plant that bad boy! tap root beyond ready!
  8. That is false good sir, im learning from GoldGrower how to start a Seedling in DWC without rockwool [​IMG] its quite interesting, it needs to be at least 4" long. check it out
    Its going to be a single plant DWC 10gal. 425w Special Kush #1 Feminized grow.
    Ive got a piece in there that holds my 2ltrs in place so it never damages my roots [​IMG] i got this idea from reading about Sin City DWC's post cause he put a frozen water bottle into his DWC and it tore all of his roots off. So i thought to myself i cant make that mistake how do i fix it so i fixed a strap in there with 2x stainless steel screws so they wont rust. And its a perfect pocket for my 2ltrs. I only have to add 1 . 2ltr every 3 days to keep temps below 70 degrees.
    Water bottles.jpg
    Ill send you a link when i make the post here in a little bit for my grow journal.
  9. #9 Ebcrew, May 10, 2015
    Last edited by a moderator: May 10, 2015
    i stand corrected! i never grown DWC so i was just assuming that it was a soil grow. Thats what i get for assuming.
    that being said im very interested and a bit confused, what are frozen soda bottles for? Do you have a tutorial you used on building that? looks like a cooler that you have an air pump hooked up. again im clueless on DWC but im interested, think you could help me out? id like to try it in the near future

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