Right now I have 8 sprouts under 8 cfls. They have just been transplanted to some fox farms soil and are looking good.They germinated and sprouted so quick we had to jam out our cabinet in like two days, Being the stoners we are we built this thing to wide for the intended closet as well as too deep. After some modifications the box is to size and the plants are now inside. The battle now is ventilation. Going to run some intake outake ducts from the attic right above the area to outside. lmk what you blades think and any ideas or input is welcome. Stay high grass city- kushkiller
What sized CFL? If you have a light per plant, make sure its a 100W CFL per plant at least (Not equivalent, but actual). If you try to grow 8 plants on like 8 26w CFLS, you will not succeed, or you might, but will not yield much at all. Just make sure you have enough quality lighting. I think that is the main area CFL growers seem to skimp on (Well, new CFL growers anyway). Quality light is one of the top 2 most important things. Good Luck.
Yeah their equivalent watts to 100, they throw 1750 lumens a piece and the temp on them is 6500k if I'm not mistaken... I'll try to get some more pictures up
just ordered a 400w sunmaster cmh bulb to supplement the cfl's. Hopefully I will take some higher res. pictures of the operation...lateley things have been going the ghetto rig route to temp. solve some problems. Lol the box in the closet has been in the 90's sometimes higher, Bought 2 25 ft duct tube but we haven't been able to get into the attic to split a line off of the A/C so since its so long we just ran it straight into the vent that dumps into her room. Oh and when I went to home depot to do all this I had in mind to get some quality fans, but they tell me, oh I think were out, if they are then its up front with seasonal....WTF!? California is burning with over 100 degree temps and walmart nor homedepot carries fans??
your plants look like they are stretching. if you are using tubes to start your seeds, the tubes should be no more than 1" from the top of the seedling.
yeah they did start to stretch as young seedlings, at about 4-5 days we moved them into our new cabinet in the picture under cfl's about 4 inches above...cant wait for the cmh to get here...really have a feeling once they get some quality light they'll take off
lol we couldn't get all ten into the box in 1 gal buckets those two little guys are in red party cups and Im gonna let them chill in there till it gets better rooted and if they turn out to be female I will transplant and keep as mothers....you cant really tell but our cabinet has a mother/clone chamber for the top foot and a half or so
Been slackin on the pictures haha sorry guys. Got kicked out actually But now I live with my gf So I'll try to update more often. Most of the plants are looking good save for two...I dont know what the hell their problem might be. I'm hoping the new cmh light I'm getting will help some of the plants that aren't getting as much light.
alright cool haha I have only little hope for the wimpy ones though...try to get more pictures up before beer pong tonight