First time greenhouse grower

Discussion in 'Greenhouses' started by kahgknow, May 21, 2016.

  1. Hey everybody this year I'm growing in a greenhouse for the first time ever. I have an east coast blue dream that has some issues. Yesterday it seemed light in the pot so I waited until this morning and gave her a nice feed. All day I was waiting for her to perk up but for some reason she just stayed droopy and never looked happy so I decided to inspect....back story I thought she had mites last week but didn't see any when I looked under the leaves. So today I'm checking her out and there was this tiny caterpillar on one of the leaves clearly chewing through problem a = caterpillar. Solution I need to use Bt I just can't remember the proper ratio. Next looking under leaves I noticed something that looked yellow and similar size to spider mites if I remember correct.. What might that be? And finally I noticed the lower leaves were brown and dying while some of the upper leaves had brown at the tips...I make my own soil (organic) and this was fresh soil but had been sitting around a nice while, on transplanting I add earthworm casting and kelp so I don't think the issue has to do with fertilizer. Any help would be much appreciated thanks in advance.

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  2. in future

    lift the pot ...think!!!...then water or not

    never ever feed straight nutes onto dry soil, its too much shock

    and besides the nutes will just run straight out

    Discipline yourself to water as above,

    check calendar if a feed day, then nute accordingly

    this grow had the start of being a great organic grow but seriously faltered adding non organic bug killer

    for this I use cold pressed neem oil its systemic, organic and good for bugs and forthcoming molds too

    good luck
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