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First time getting high, really weird 'high' (story)

Discussion in 'Apprentice Marijuana Consumption' started by Jebus22, Jul 29, 2012.

  1. In the past, every time I smoked I would never get high. I guess I was inhaling wrong.

    My curiosity got the best of me, so I decided to buy a good amount of weed with some friends. Me and 2 mates had 2 joints, 1 for them, and 1 for me (since I thought that I needed more to get high, lols).. I took a huge hit and I straight up coughed for 30 minutes straight. Once it stopped, I finished the joint.

    ~10 minutes later, I feel all numb. My head is throbbing, it felt as if it was about to explode. My whole body is tingling and I could barely move. It took a fuckton of effort to move my arms. I can't really explain the numbness, but it were as if I had no blood throughout my body (something like when you sleep on your arm, and you wake up). When I would bite down on my teeth I would barely feel them touch. At one point I laid down. I couldn't get up (srs). My friends on the other hand were happy, while I felt like I was dying. Eventually I calmed down, and the 3 of us ate everything in the house. I thought I simply bad tripped. I had a pretty bad headache the entire time too.

    ~8 hours later, 2 of our friends join us, and now that the effects wore off we decide to smoke again. This time I hoped I would get the same 'happy' and giggly feeling they did. We shared 3 joints between the 5 of us. In a few minutes, the same effects kicked in. I was numb all over. I could barely move, it took too much effort to talk and I just felt like staying still. It felt like I was completely vulnerable and I became antisocial I guess. My limbs felt like they each weighed a ton. Essentially, if someone were to attack me, I wouldn't of been able to fight back. Meanwhile, everyone else was happy, laughing their asses off and they simply wanted to smoke more.

    They lit up another one, but I decided not to have any, since I wasn't exactly liking the feeling.

    Now they became complete idiots. I dunno if they were exaggerating, but it was if they had lost half their IQ... I sat there, barely able to move, and I couldn't help but ask myself 'wtf is going on'.

    A few minutes later they all (but one, who transformed into Dr. Oz) became dicks. They kept asking me what was wrong, calling me a downer, I kept telling them that my high was different and I could barely move. So essentially 1 of them was mocking me, (ex; I said 'that hurt', and he would repeat it in a faggot voice. I wanted to bash his skull into the wall), another kept asking me what was wrong, and the other would call me a downy/downer, all while laughing. Dr. Oz would say things like "You feel that way because your an intellectual, your thinking about it too much," etc.. either way, he was actually the only one to tell the other fuckers to stop being assholes. While they did this, I, barely able to move, let alone talk, couldn't really do anything...which I guess is good, because I'd like to think that had I been able to move, I would have gone apeshit and beat the shit out of them. They have never acted like that before,

    Eventually I couldn't handle their shit anymore and I decided to leave. I remember one of them saying something quite fucked up about me, but I don't remember what he said which is bothering the fuck out of me.

    I went home, and went straight to bed. Today, I feel weird. I'm tired, depressed, somewhat dizzy, and my head/thoughts feel cloudy. I just feel like crawling into a ball and sleeping. srs.

    What the hell happened?, and while were at it, what should I do about my phaggot friends?

    Either way, I don't think I will ever smoke again. I just read that smoking weed can bring out psychological issues like psychosis and schizophrenia, and I have a close relative who has both (so I guess it might run in the family).
  2. Sounds like you're fighting the high from coming over you, it might be some really dank shit.. you gotta just learn to LET GO and let the weed take you on its ride.. everything will be ok, that's the motto that weed tries to teach you. From your description of the high, it seemed to have "couchlocked" you, so it was probably some Indica dominant bud and you just got super stoned. It's clearly not "laced" weed or anything like that if your friends were fine, though they were being dicks. I'd just tell them that you were pissed for the way they were acting that day and leave it at that.

    If you really decide weed just isn't for you, then that's fine but I'd hope you would at least try one last time. Buy another bag, of some different weed. Maybe you should smoke some mids or regs to have a less intense but still enjoyable high. Especially if you haven't smoked in awhile, your tolerance is low so you might have just had your ass kicked by some really dank weed. lol

    But best of luck, hope your friends straighten up.
  3. I would hate to see a possible stoner never realize his potential just because their first time was with assholes. What they did isn't what weed is about man, I've smoked with their type before.

    These aren't the type of kids to visit erowid are they? Doesn't sound like it. They probably don't know anything scientific about bud and just like to fuck around. I think it was a bad idea to smoke with them, there's really no way it could have been fun for you.

    In your 18+ years of life, THC has never hit your bloodsteam even once. Of course it's gonna fuck you up! One dance with Mary isn't enough to fully judge her. You need to get your own, and smoke it hit by hit in a very relaxed setting. Please do that at least once and see if you feel the same.

    If this time put you off permanently, you probably were never going to become a smoker in the first place. I guarantee if you start toking it regularly you'll look back on this thread and laugh your ass off.
  4. Thing is they are my closest friends. For the most part they are a really cool group of people.. They have had little experience with weed, for 2 of them it was their first time also. I don't see why it would affect me any differently then them. Turned them into a group of fucking pricks.
  5. I was really really really high my first time smoking weed. Sound was just trippy as hell, and I was thinking in a strange way. It was weird, real fuckin' weird. But you eventually get used to it.

    Your friends sound like they just got a little carried away. It's nice to fuck around when you're high. My guess is they are completely different people sober. Maybe you shouldn't smoke with your friends.

  6. I think you answered your own question here.

    There all noobs. Of course you didn't like it. And your first few times 3 joints between 5 ppl is a bit overkill. With no tollerance one hit will fuck me up and I smoke everyday all day

    Smoke less, and find peopl who actually know what there talking about.
  7. I think you bit off just a wee bit more than you could chew, my friend. Why your friends turned into a bunch of dicks, I have no explanation for their actions for that is definitely not what cannabis is about. Don't let it end your cannabis-smoking career. Next time, surround yourself with more positive people and find people with actual experience. Take it slow and just stay calm. If you have to, keep reminding yourself that it's not going to hurt you and you're going to be just fine.

    Good luck, my man!
  8. Don't smoke as much next time, you probaly got really stoned and couldnt even move let alone talk like you were saying, which that is what it feels like to be like retarded stoned. But i think next time you should only smoke like half a joint maybe less. Honestly if you inhale perfectly, you will only need 2-4 hits to get a first timer/beginner high. Take it slower and as i tell everyone, give cannabis atleast 3-4 times of actually getting high before deciding completely.

    As for your friends i say just call them douches and move on, your choice on that really.

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