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First time edible

Discussion in 'Weed Edibles' started by foehunntwenty, Jan 12, 2013.

  1. What's up. I had my first brownie yesterday(first edible before). It got me super baked, smoked about 3 bowls with it. It got me super baked, so I went to walk around at a few stores. I smoke everyday so I guess It didn't hit me as hard as others. Just felt like sharing my edible experience with you blades. Currently 1 hour into my second edible. YOU GTFO I HAVE PICS.

  2. For a second, I thought you smoke your edible aha. But sounds like good times :hello:
  3. [quote name='"ColorsLookFunny"']

    For a second, I thought you smoke your edible aha. But sounds like good times :hello:[/quote]

    I didn't. But I do see why people eat a whole batch of brownies.

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