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First time BHO ear wax from MMJ Dispensary, not clean?

Discussion in 'Apprentice Marijuana Consumption' started by XxNitr0xX, Dec 26, 2012.

  1. #1 XxNitr0xX, Dec 26, 2012
    Last edited by a moderator: Dec 26, 2012
    It could be because I have dry sinuses and I've never tried wax before (even though this stuff is kinda crumbly and more shatter like) but.. When I exhale it really stings my sinuses. I was using a B.Wilson 6 arm without water , with a Ti-nail oil rig.

  2. Well if it has any types of chemical impurities you can find out by taking a small bit on the end of your dabber and lighting it. If it sparks, crackles, or does anything other than melt I wouldn't smoke it. Call the dispensary and tell them your concerns. They should be happy to help you sort it out. Hope this helps!
  3. Thanks, I'll give it a try.
  4. It seemed to ignite and sparkle, while melting.
  5. Then it seems either the butane wasn't purged completely or there is some sort of impurity in it such as a chemical. I would contact the dispensary and ask them about it. They should take it off the shelves and hopefully will reimburse you. Sorry about your luck
  6. I can't see your reply on my phone for some reason, but should it be dirty, can I clean it out?
  7. If you got it from a dispensary bring it back and tell them it's impure, they have strict guidelines and stuff to follow so I'm sure they will re-imburse you or give you something comparable.
  8. Just take it back And replace it.
  9. #9 XxNitr0xX, Dec 26, 2012
    Last edited by a moderator: Dec 26, 2012
    Lets just say I "misplaced" my card ;)

    Any way of safely purifying at home? Oven at 170 or something? Thing is, I dom't have a vac/purge machine
  10. well, still phone up the dispensary it is from, as if it has any health impurities, peoples life's may be at risk.. I'm sure they would be grateful for the heads up
  11. This is true. I will do, for sure.
  12. High thc content gives a tingling sensation to your nose

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