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First T-Break

Discussion in 'Marijuana Consumption Q&A' started by KvshKonnoissevr, Dec 11, 2012.

  1. Well, I'm about to go on my first t-break (besides the occasional 2-3 day breaks lol) after almost a year of daily toking so I can focus on getting a full-time job and getting the hell out of my parents' place. Shooting for a month or two. Light one up for me, blades. :bongin:
  2. Have a good one! :)
  3. im picking up some durban poison later, ill smoke a bowl for you.
  4. Thanks, man! :wave:

    Good shit. I'd be honored lol. :smoke:
  5. I'd probably wait until after December 22st just in case the world does end. Smoke til then :laughing:
  6. Good luck bro, I quit smoking for about a year to focus on school and I'll be blazing up again this weekend. I love the first high after a long time.
  7. Just got done with a 2yr t-break. :)

    You can do it and good luck with the job and getting out of the parent's place!
  8. Sounds like me weed kills my motivation for applying jobs ! Im gonna take that journey of taking a tbreak as soon as i run out ,,i have to because i smoke evrryday and i mean everyday,,, im doing good in college but iknow i coulda made As and not Bs and Cs ,,, plus i have to prove to myslef i have the wil power,,,,im 22 and since13 smoked nearly everyday ,,,i cant remember being fully sober,,,i know wheni amtruely sober itllfeel like a new drug !!
  9. I hadn't smoked for only a weekend and on that Monday I hotboxed so hard, it was the first time I saw hallucinations. I also had killer bubble guts the next day from the munchies lol
  10. I'm on my first t break since i dont even rEmember..resins gone and all. 2 days strong til Saturday.

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