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First Smoking "Party"

Discussion in 'Apprentice Marijuana Consumption' started by rivalZone, Jan 14, 2010.

  1. So for the past year I have smoked alone and been quite happy with it. But it turns out, half the people I know smoke... I had no idea!:)

    So going to invite them all around for a smoke sesh, my first one lol. Anyways I was just wondering if 6-7 people total can be a bit many for just smoking? Also, how much would I need for a decent smoking session with say 5 people who smoke say once a month?
  2. Honestly, I don't care much for smoking by myself. But usually when I smoke with a friend, a gram is enough for two of us. If you can get everybody to pitch in a gram a piece, which isn't really all that bad, you have enough for a lot of blunts/joints! But I would recommend smoking out of a bong.. it gets you so much higher.
  3. 6-7 isnt to many if you have enough green. if no one really smokes much an 1/8th may be good but ya might want to go with a 1/4th just to be safe. nothing is more of a buzz kill then running out of green before the party is over
  4. well personally i have only smoked once with a group that size. We all met at my place and we walked up to the high school. I live seven minutes from the shcool so not a bad walk. We all gathered in the dugouts and passed around 2 blunts between 5 guys and 3 girls. Girls dont usally smoke much.

    I have grown past blunts but they are nice for a big session of people. The amount depends how high you want to get. I good amount would be how much u like to smoke times the amount of people you will be smoking with.
  5. I beg to differ!! I have probably outsmoked my best friend, who is also a girl and also smoked way before I started!! She's the one who converted me, lol. I have a somewhat high tolerance.
  6. Buy your group an 1/4 of dank and a lot of food supplies and have a blast! :hello:

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