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First slightly stoopid concert

Discussion in 'Marijuana Consumption Q&A' started by Stoner4795, Aug 2, 2012.

  1. Hi guys,!
    This is my first post here! Tomorrow i'm going to see slightly stoopid at PNC arts center in Homdel, Nj. My brother is cool about weed but doesnt want it in his car. My plan is to sneak 2 joints in my wallet and try to smoke them there. How can i tell him i got the j's? Should i say i bought them from someone there or is that unbelievable?
    Tl;dr: excuse for how i got 2 j's
    Thank you! Happy tokin'
  2. just say some guy asked you if you wanted to buy some weed. but dont put them in your wallet theyll get all crushed youre gonna have to find something else to carry them in.

    also hide them well in case they search you

    have fun man :smoke:
  3. Thanks! Where should i hide em? They barely pat down..

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