idk why but im real fuckin drunk and it could be the 5 scorpion bowls me and 2 people shared playing cards for money at a local japenese joint man 10 a piece but filled with booze is it me or is it liek a huge mai tai
what are you talking about why do you write like everything is a poem or some shit.. i dont get it.. im fucked up too. but im not posting like you.
it is the internet i dont care but why chime in if you have dumb shit to say... why do you care how I post its funny, that you actually care
i think we can agree i don't know what the fuck a scorpion bowl may be but with a little luck maybe he'll tell us
fuck I was going to ask in the dead hours thread when I first saw this guy posting but I didn't care that much Know I'm curious whatisascorpionbowl?
Chinese drink Ceramic like 48 ounce painted bowl with a center piece volcano thing used for 151 rum then in the bowl it varies these were Pineapple, Gin, Dark Rum , Brandy , tequila , Light rum Lemon juice tastes real good surprisingly which is why we ordered so many lol but was drunk before I got there
looks good me and my buddies get these things called "buckets" at a local pizza joint. basically the same principle, tons of liquor in a bucket