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First sample from the next harvest.

Discussion in 'Marijuana Stash Box' started by Handrailbmx, Jan 25, 2010.

  1. Unfortunately I'm having to pull some of my babies a bit early to make room for the next cycle of children. Here is a small sample of some Bubblegum grown from clone under around 300watts of CFls. Its not very dense but i'm sure it has to do with the lack of light intensity in my room. I'm hoping to get a 400w light here soon but it's on the back burner untill i get the rest of my finances in order. Grown in Sunshine LC1 soil with light doses of the fox farms trio and blackstrap molasses. Excited to have some personal smoke and to get away from the sketchyness of the black market!

  2. looks really good man, thanks for the pic!
  3. Looking good, cant wait to see a nug!

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