Awhile back, DiamondRasta commented about my faggy little flea market bong. Well, he was right. You need to understand, I never spend the money on kind bud, I smoke way too much. So now that I'm going to be par-taking in some of the finer grades of cannabis,.....I pulled the trigger and bought a new canon. 22" 7 mm MGW Tube Frosted, 6 arm tree and black onyx perc Ice catcher Any suggestions for add ons?
Man fuck that dude Diamond Rasta, he doesnt know what hes talking about. lol sick tube bro! im a fan of Manifest... diggin the AC too! I need to get one, i just got a diffused AC... nothin special. Need to get on the LBH level
SICK! Saw a 6 or 8 tree MGW ash catcher the other day and that is my next investment for my MGW bong.
Dude that is a sick setup! I was going to recommend a a/c, but i see you already picked one up. I really want to pick up a tube like this how much did it run you?
You can pick one up for about 350-400$ depending on the head shop and i recommend picking one up as soon as you can! l0l