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First real high, it was life-changing, but a few questions

Discussion in 'Apprentice Marijuana Consumption' started by pageerror404, Oct 6, 2010.

  1. So previously I had smoked weed a few times at parties, but it was crap and I didn't really notice any effect. But I was hanging out with my friend the other night and took out some of this stuff called snowcap that he got from his dad and we smoked it. I swear to god it was life-changing, we turned on music and it seemed like it was telling a story and all my muscles were completely relaxed, in fact they were so relaxed that I couldn't even strike the lighter with my left hand lol.

    So anyway I bought some of this stuff for myself, but it's kind of expensive. I was considering getting some seeds and just growing a plant for myself, but then I wondered if this proposition 19 gets passed next month, will the cost go down substantially?

    I dunno, I still might grow one because it seems like fun lol
  2. haha. to quote morpheus "Welcome, to the REAL WORLD.."
  3. Will the price go down? Probably.

    The only reason it's so expensive is because it's illegal. The risk factor is what makes it so expensive.
  4. I'd look into it before you start growing. And if prop 19 passes, I'd assume the cost would go down (or else it would defeat the purpose of legalizing).
  5. Just grow dude, its so fucking great to be taking care of your little MJ and then just smoke it, feels awesome...
  6. I'm not gonna get into this, but the purpose of legalization to most I think, is not for cheaper weed. It's about personal freedom.

    Whether the price will do down is a mystery. Some economists believe it will. Research it and decide for yourself. Also, if it is legalized in Cali (it almost is anyway, but moving on) it will still be federally illegal. So there still will be the same, if not greater risk associated with opening a dispensary. Prices may or may not be affected by this.

    Too many factors to say with definitiveness if that's a word.
  7. Yeah the proper reason for legalization is personal freedom, cheaper weed is just a nice side effect.

    HOWEVER, I don't believe that prop 19 will bring cheaper weed. Theres a reason that medical stuff in cali is still very expensive. If they dropped the price, I think the DEA would start getting really pissed and start raiding, since it would likely effect the prices of areas around cali too, making weed cheaper and even more available then it already is. As long as calis law change doesn't effect the rest of the states, I think they'll leave them be.

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