1.commercial seeds found in a sack. 2.250 watt metal hallide. 3.starter soil bought at local drugstore.(for growing drugs) 4.a dresser that i hollowed out.(about 3'by 2' by 2') 5.50 cfm bathroom fan 6.desk fan(for circulation) 7.thermometer Four seedlings have sprouted. I planted four more yesterday. The temp is between 80 and 90 degrees ferenhieght. The fan is a little loud but tolerable. No pics yet. Photoperiod:18/6
Sounds like you are off to a good start, but keep an eye on your size of your growing space. 3x2x2 doesn't seem like a lot of room to grow four plants in. May not be enough room to finish one plant in. Be prepared to move them outdoors when the weather breaks or study real hard on tight space gro methods. Good Luck!
I think you have everything right on track. Even with the size of room you have its all good. But like Big Poppa Puff said just study hard and you should be fine.