Hey everyone I just wanted to introduce myself to the neighborhood. In school, they always made the kids go around and tell something about themselves so I will say my favorite munchie food is cheetoes, whats yours?
i have to go with lucky charms man welcome to GC!! sorry that no ones responding. This topic has been argued a couple times before +rep for the new guy!!!
hey welcome to GC. If you go to the forums main page you'll see like all the different categories. This thread should probably be in the "general" forum. But no worries we've all done the same. word EDIT: my favorite munchies are Whitecastle burgers. 30 seconds to make 2, it's heavenlike.
the regular one is good but there isnt enough cheddar pieces so I always go with the cheddar version that shit is good
Sorry, I must have missed the general forum. But hey, munchies are common durring recreational use so you godda give me that.
brownies! gotta have sumptin to drink too! um, lessee... dammit... milk! ya, milk is good with brownies