First plant pics, some problems

Discussion in 'Growing Marijuana Indoors' started by GrowaPlant, Jan 20, 2010.


    First plant some problems..

    Thaughts and comments Welcome, Rando seeds for trial run.
    Havn't used and vitamans like mirical grow or anything have no idea what to use...
    I think thats my problem, thanks guys smoke up:smoking:

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  2. have you gave them any nutrients at all if not there is your problem

  3. is there any plant food that covers all nutrients?
    mirical grow or anything, suggestions?
  4. do you have a hydro store where you live they have what you need
  5. LOL A and D vitamins...or like nitrogen and potassium nutrients. There are some essentials you should always get down before growing any plant (especially one that puts you in jail). One of those essentials is the realization that you will of course need nutrients to grow a mj plant. As suggestions go I would suggest getting nutrients (not Miracle Grow please for the plants sake) get some good nutrients, organics is nice, but go with something people like. I.e.; General Hydroponics, BC...there are a lot, go to a hydroponic store and ask what they like and what people seem to buy the most of. And suggestion number two, that looks like what four plants? under what 3 CFLs? remember you need 100 actuall watts for the first plant and then 50 more for each other plant. So you need a total of atleast 250 actuall watts of you need more cfls im guessing. But my suggestion if you want dense dank instead of feather cfl shit bud then invest in a 250 watt hps. It is worth it. Think how much you pay for weed, and how many fines there would be for 4 plants...the risk and the reward are too great to be ass fucking your plants with dirty you can tell i pity people who fall under the delusion that CFLs can properly raise an MJ plant throughout its whole life its an insult to the plant.
  6. check out this link thats what you need it has how much to mix with the water and what not

  7. I have 5 lights. 4 100Watt and 1 120Watt.
    just need nutrients..
    thanks for everyones input
  8. I like your cabinet, nice build.
  9. You need actual wattage not the equivalent. Those 100 watters are probably only 26w a piece. Judging by the stretch I think those babies could really use a lot more light...
  10. I have never seen a 100 watt CFL that guessing you are looking at equivalent actual watt i think for a equivalent 100 watt cfl is 26 or was it 23....But nonetheless i dont think those are 100 or 120...flourescents that large are as big as a squash.
  11. oops jo3cool already said it...see they never listen to ya the first time you tell em, i tell him "hey thats enough lights" and they refuse
  12. Definitely get more lights! I don't know what kind of soil you are using, or if it has any nutrients in it already, but Fox Farm Grow Big is awesome stuff. The small liter bottle will last a long time for only 4 plants in veg. Then switch to Tiger bloom in flower. Make sure you are giving them reverse osmosis water or distilled water from the store. No tap water!

    More light, good water, and some nutes are the most important things right now! You will see a big difference in just a couple of days.

    GOOD LUCK!!!

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