First plant 13 days old, seems a little weak??

Discussion in 'First Time Marijuana Growers' started by HeMan, Oct 9, 2010.

  1. #1 HeMan, Oct 9, 2010
    Last edited by a moderator: Oct 9, 2010
  2. get your lights closer man...if your using a cfl it needs to be within 2-3 inches
  3. Yeah you are definately getting stretching as it tries to get closer to the light.
  4. More intense light
    Do you have a fan on?
  5. lol mine started out like this...get em closer to your lights.
  6. i know this is old, if any one is just reading this , in the picture il baby, once the plant looks like this you must fill dirt around most of the stem. than the plant will start growing more outwards instead of only up. also the light needs to be way closer, cant believe this is the 12th day... lol that is funny
  7. Ouch.

    That seedling is super stretched. Pack some soil at least half up that stem and get the lights much much closer.

    You have other issues. A 13 day old seedling should be much more developed then that. Here is a shot of one of my niece's seedlings from her last grow at day 13, she does daily pics throughout her entire grows.

    Notice how the stems are short and the leaf growth is the majority of the seedling? This is how a seedling at 13 days should look.

    Your issue is probably your type of light and your soil.

  8. So you're the reason I replied to this very old thread? Damn, I wish I would of looked at the dates closer.

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