First Piece

Discussion in 'Smoking Pipes, Glass Spoon Pipes' started by BlazinAllDay420, Jan 30, 2011.

  1. What should I get for my first piece? Pipe, bubbler? Glass, plastic, metal? Big, small? Btw I want to be portable. Like fit in my pocket. Cheers
  2. Sounds like you just need a good bowl to start out with. I would go to your local head shop and browse around and pickout something that interests you, not us.
  3. If you are looking for stealth and portability, the MFLB is the best :D Its a vaporizer, and you can literally vape 5 feet away from parents and they wouldnt smell anything haha

    It costs $100 though, so if you dont wanna dish out, i would get a quality glass pipe. You can get some quality glass pipes for around $20. My pipe was my only toking tool for like two years, and i still love it!

    Those are the most portable options :)
  4. Well pipe is great to carry around with you. And they can look very very stylish and pro. I have an seriously small 2" spoon pipe that I use as my main smoking device while on the move.

    You do get mini bongs, I wouldn't call them "portable" but they are easy to move around. And you will probably get a smooth smoke out of these.

    Always try get glass if you can. They are easier to clean and smoke better too. Plus if you have a clear piece it looks insanely cool doing a milkshot :cool:
  5. Get a nice little glass spoon. Don't drop it and it will last you forever.

  6. Ah ok Thanks. Like how big is MFLB? Cuz are vaporisers not meant to be pretty big?
  7. A good strong glass pipe is perfect.

  8. Ok thanks. Do you need to clean glass pipes? I need something to fit in my pockets, so you would recommend a bowl?

  9. Thanks, but why glass? What bout metal or plastic?

  10. You only need to clean them every 2 or 3 months, and thats only with heavy use. A bowl is a perfect starter piece, they're fairly cheap, so if you break it, it's not a huge loss, very easy to conceal on your person, and very reliable.
  11. IMO if you have the money a vaporizer would be the best, but you can't beat a reliable glass bowl for your first piece.

  12. And how would you go about cleaning one lol. Ok thanks, looks like I'll start off with a bowl then :)

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