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First Piece

Discussion in 'Apprentice Marijuana Consumption' started by TideEye, Jan 21, 2010.

  1. So, i have decided to get my first piece. I have been smoking for amost a year and papers and blunts are getting a little boring and i was gonna mix it up a little.

    I was thinking of spending no more that $60, but i was looking for suggestions of what to get.

    Spoons are ouf of the question, So it basically boils down to a small bong or a bubbler.
    I need to be portable because it will always be used on the go, so somethng small and concealable is a must.

    Ive also hear that different pieces give different highs, and if so, what are the differences?
  2. bubbler!!! although not concealable easily due to the water. and smaller ones will run you alot less than 60 bucks for the most part.

    I would heavily recomend a spoon for you (why is it out of the question in the first place?) They're small, and concealable and the purest way to smoke in my opinion. Unless you wanna change the water in a bub or bong after each bowl.

    The only different high you get is from a vape. Different pieces will give you different hits but not dif highs. Like a bong you can take massive rips from so of course they get you more stoned, since you can roast more weed in one rip.

    If you're looking to spend 60 bucks and have a super concealable piece, get a solo pipe. it's a bowl with a flip out lighter and a slide to cover the bowl when you're finished.
  3. if you dont want a spoon, the next best thing for portability is a one hitter. They are relatively cheap and often look like cigs, so its hard to notice your smoking weed unless someone gets up close and smells it! the gc shop has some for i think 3.99. get a dugout with it as well. i would get you the links but im a little high and lazy haha.
  4. I just dont like pipes becuase they seem to have such a harsh hit, but i might be scoarching the bowl too, so that could be the problem.
    I've also just been a big fan of smoking through something that has water, that bubbling sound is just music to my ears
  5. all i have to say is dont lose that piece watever u do, when i got my first piece i was high and dumb so i let some kid borrow it and he traded it for some weed so i never saw the damn thing again... anyway just cherish your first piece because i can honestly say i would trade any vape, bong, or pipe for that thing only because it holds so many special memories and reminds me of my old friends etc.. even if i quit smoking i would keep it for those reasons
  6. I would honestly go with a nice pipe to be simple, it's really not to harsh it's one of my favorite tools to use, very simple and no messy water like in bubblers.
  7. Alright, I was also curious about that beeline stuff. It it expensive and is it worth it?
  8. Well if you only want a bong or bubbler and you said you want portability then your only option is the bubbler
  9. Okay so i decided im goin to get a bubbler.
    But after looking at a few there are a bunch of different types, and i was wondering what the difference, if any, are between each? (Sherlock,sidecar, or hammer)
  10. Get the sherlock.
  11. Really the only differences are the formations, sherlocks look like a sherlock holmes pipe, sidecars are self explanatory, and hammers look like hammers. You might want to look into bowl size, overall size, and the amount of water you will be able to put in it. Other than that, it's all about what you can see yourself using.
  12. alright, just thought i would ask.
    Im gonna go my local headshop after exams and check it out.
  13. What about keeping my piece clean?
    I know there are special cleaners out there at headshops but are they expensive? Cause my buddy had a pipe he never cleaned for like 3 months and it got so sick
  14. Nevermind that last post, i found an answer already
  15. As far as a bub get a sherlock, they're fantastic. For cleaning I just use salt and alcohol.

    Beeline is alright stuff, I dont really like it cause its really no smoother then a butane lighter to me, I'd rather use a magnifying glass in the sun.
  16. haha yeah i alwasy wanted to try that, where did you get your magnifying glass at?
  17. beeline isnt meant to give smoother hits. its meant to eliminate butane. It tastes much better and is healthier. I like it more for its accuracy though.

    i ordered a bubbler from GC as my first legit piece.
    Bubbler - Colored and Fumed - Dutch -

    i love it.
  18. What about glass screens/pipe screens? should i use them with a bubbler or no?
    And is beeline expensive?

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