First piece, thoughts?

Discussion in 'Bongs, Dab Rigs, Bubblers, Water Pipes' started by jonfab, Aug 10, 2012.

  1. [​IMG]
    I named him bubble buddy :D
    EDIT: I payed 40 for him, smart move or no?
  2. Nice looking, but I would never pay 40 for it after I just got a nice bong for 35. It's all good though, looks cool.
    Ive actually never hit a bubbler before..
  3. Little pricey but nothing to cry about so enjoy that thing man. Dont drop it though
  4. It looks good but pricey for $40,I would only pay 30 for it.But overall nice first piece OP!
  5. i have the exact same piece except different colors. i paid 30 for mine but i'm a nasty haggler haha :cool: . mines name is Samuel and he rips hard as shit and carries a nice cherry I think you'll like it.
  6. Pricey but pretty cool too, alot better than my first piece.
  7. bro i have like the same one but mine was 20 bucks. I love the piece dude just i think its a bit pricey
  8. It looks sick dude little pricey but as long as you get good rips off of it then I think its money well spent.
  9. Definetly a solid piece depending on how thick the glass is probably sell for 15-20 around here
  10. nice first pickup.

    but i would have gone with a bong.
    itd be a hell of alot easier to clean.
    & it wouldve ripped your face off.
  11. I got my bitch sumn like that a year ago for 20.
  12. [ame=]"I LIKE IT" - Garrett Hunter - YouTube[/ame]
  13. Thanks guys, haven't gotten a chance to use it cuz I'm on vacation but my friend says its pretty good. I was looking into a bong but my pothead friend said bubs are better for beginners
  14. Looks like a cool piece, probably wouldn't pay $40

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