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First pickup

Discussion in 'Marijuana Stash Box' started by Mr Brainwash, Feb 2, 2011.

  1. I just recently bought for the first time and was hoping for some input.

    Guy sold me a 1/4 for 120. The quality is really good but I am just wondering on if I got a fair deal.

    This is what I got minus about 2 or so grams. Followed by some close up shots I tried with my phone. Thanks for the help.

    Attached Files:

  2. The bud looks fine (assuming it weighed out to 7g) but I wouldn't pay $120 for a quarter.
  3. If it weighed 7g and looks like that it was a good deal that looks like pretty good bud. And I pay $120 for a q in atlanta so price is just based on where you live.
  4. I don't where your at man so $120 might be normal for a quarter but 2 things could of gone wrong with your first buy

    1) you might not of gotten a full 7g
    2) dealer could of "upped" the price since your new

    Buy the bud looks fine
  5. I would consider paying $120 perfectly fine for the quality of that bud.
  6. Better than I did in my first pickup, for a better price. Most people get ripped off pretty hard their first time, I think you did ok.
  7. Thanks for the quick replies. The thing is I don't have a scale yet (which I know I need and will be getting) and was just curious as to how much you think is in the first picture. I know its tough with pictures but I put a normal bic lighter in there for a little size comparison. Like I said this was my first time so I am just curious if I really got close to 7g. I have absolutely no problem with the quality however.
  8. #8 Chronicmonster, Feb 2, 2011
    Last edited by a moderator: Feb 2, 2011
    That's expensive bud if you paid 120 for a quarter.

    I'm happy I live where I live, there is one dealer who charges 100 for that, but everyone knows she rips people off and you only go there when everyone Else is out, otherwise it's 50-80 depending.

    I usually pay about 50, but that's because I go through a friend who traffics to get free bud, 40 if i get it from my brother because he buys by the ounce and just generally nice to me lol most people pay about 80 for a quarter.

    Edit: don't think you got ripped off on the amount, just on the price
  9. ive been smoking for a couple years now and prices in my area are WAY worse for the same quality(i get it 350 a zip and ive got a "great" connect for Maryland) say quite a nice pickup for your first time and looks about right adding the 2. toke that shit up :smoke:
  10. Thanks for the responses. I know the price is kinda high but like other people have said its really hard to get good bud where I live for a decent price. Its all just reggie down here. I might of gotten a tiny bit less than 7g but for a for pickup I am more than happy.
  11. Looks good. I pay $100 for that...
  12. ^ same but worth it none the less

  13. same here 120 no more no less
  14. not too shabby
  15. Looks legit, next time ask for a better price. Say 100 for that seems fair, might have to meet at 110 or something.
  16. 120 is a fair price for 1/4 of dank.
    I fucking HATE when people say "i wouldn't pay 120" well some of us aren't as fucking lucky as you.. Christ for a site about weed there are ALOT of asshole on here..
    The least you can say is "I pay xx amount" just saying "i wouldn't pay that" it just makes you sound like a douche and makes the buyer feel bad cause they think they got ripped off..
  17. I wouldn't pay over 100/q but maybe in ur area 120 is a good deal I can't help u there but looks like some top shelf bud
  18. yo i get a quater for 25bucks lol. not trying to brag but all i ever buy is a dime($10 3g), a 15, a dub(20 6gs) a quater(25bucks 7.5gs), half(40-50), or an O(60-80bucks 28g). and krippy is 10 a gram-ish(1-1.5-sometimes2)
  19. Where I live you would pay 80 at the most for that much bud of that quality, but prices vary from place to place.
  20. everyone who pays under 120 dollars for 1/4th

    you guys are assholes :smoke: and i'm jelous

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