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First Pickup ...

Discussion in 'Apprentice Marijuana Consumption' started by brookstone34, Jun 3, 2009.

  1. ... or whats left of it. My buddy and I decided that it was time to finally give in and try smoking for the first time. We both chipped in 10 bucks and got a little over a gram (I know, way over priced but we really didnt really have a choice). After smoking a few bowls we got heavy eyes and all our bodies felt pretty tiered. I know a lot of people say you dont get high your fist time so we figured we would split what was left and take it home for later. Anyway heres some pics.. (sorry for quality, couldnt get the camera to focus up closer)




    Did I get sold shit? It looked alright when we bought it but now I dont know..
    Oh and how much do you recommend I smoke my next time? Ill be smoking alone so I dont know..
  2. no men, looks fine to me, i bet you got high out of it...
  3. Looks ok. I'm glad you had a good time.
  4. I don't think we were really high, but placebo kinda kicked in after we smoked so we had a good time regardless. :smoking:
  5. It's definetly decent stuff. I didn't really get high my first time either.
  6. it look spretty good, def not shwag. pretty good for your 1st pickup seeing some people end up with oregano lol
  7. thats decent bud
  8. looks decent
  9. u didnt give in. u just reeally wanted to try it. thats okay. hope u had fun. its a memory to remember.:smoking:

  10. $20 is pretty standard for a g by me...i know a guy that was sellin .9 a g so its not bad
  11. i kno u aint gonna get fried the first time but u aint supposed to remember it:smoking::smoking::smoking:
  12. good shit and 10 dolla a gram is a good price thats what i get
  13. Him and his friend both put in 10 dollars. Making it 20 a G.

    Looks a little more than a G though. You probably got a dub, Which can be any amount, really, for $20. Looks pretty good, too. I'd go into it expecting a great time!

    Have fun.
  14. Looks similar to the headies i just picked up for 15 a g... You did well. :D

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