First peice

Discussion in 'Smoking Pipes, Glass Spoon Pipes' started by luvableBIC, Feb 10, 2011.

  1. alright guys i wanna know what your very first legit peice was.ill start off with mine

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  2. Nice piece. This was my first. Not that legit but it was much better than what I had been using.
  3. Sorry i dont have a picture of my 1st piece, but i gotta tell OP that that spoon is fuckin' legit. My first piece was a hand me down bong, ceramic i think.
  4. I just got my first piece today :) :D
  5. nice! post up a pic
  6. i'd post a pic of my first bowl but i lost it when i was mugged when i was 15 :(

  7. I'll try to soon. it's a color changer so i'll probably post an after pic too
  8. [​IMG]

    your first piece reminds me of jennaannes shirt..lmfao..

  9. :hello:
  10. haha thats sweet,i love how weed connects people :smoke:

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