First outdoor grow progression

Discussion in 'Growing Marijuana Outdoors' started by zune, Aug 5, 2012.

  1. I have my first outdoor BC grow going on this year, I have a total of 5 plants. 4 of some type of Haze strain and 1 Blueberry cross, can't remember at all.

    Anyways, these were first started from seeds at the beginning/middle of June. I am feeding them Maxigrow 10-5-14 nutes around once a week at 50% of the recommended dosage. I think it's time for bigger pots now eh? I think they're growing pretty well, and they smell great! :D Oh! also, can you guys tell me if you see any signs of males??

    First Plant

    Second plant:



    3rd plant:



    4th plant:

    5th Plant. The 1 blueberry cross:



    What do you guys think? how is the progress going? I thought about topping and/or supercropping but I'm not sure, you think I should do anything like that to them or just let them grow with water sun and nutes?!
  2. look good cant tell from the pics there sex
    how much sunlight are they getting?

    they look good though very nice
  3. From the looks of it I'd say you've got some pretty ladies there, but keep a close eye for renegade males/herma's. Topping is the easiest way imo; supercropping means more work and I assume this is somekind of a guerilla growth so dunno if you visit regularly.
  4. What beautiful scenery!
  5. #5 zune, Aug 5, 2012
    Last edited by a moderator: Aug 5, 2012
    Thanks for the comments you guys, I really appreciate the feedback. I've left everything fairly natural, do you guys think I should top my plants as well as LST them? I just did my first LST today but I noticed I split the outside of the branches a bit, di dI twist them/manhandle them a bit to much?

    It is in fact a guerrilla grow but I can visit it as often as I want( except for night. Damn cougars and bears.) Should I change to bigger pots? how big do you think? When I move to bigger pots I'll ahve to water it more but less frequently right?

    Thanks you guys!!
  6. are you growing in direct sunlight?
  7. No, not at all. I actually went at around 8am today, a time I've never visited the spot at and I saw no sun.... I believe my plants get direct sunlight during the afternoon times. Like 2PM onwards.
  8. They'll probably be ok, just be a tad more gentle with them. I topped one of my plants and left one to grow to see the different weight of the plants.
  9. #9 zune, Aug 7, 2012
    Last edited by a moderator: Aug 8, 2012
    They bounced back pretty well by the next day! So happy that I didn't damage them much...Do you think it's too late to top the plant? I'll have some updated pictures up sometime this afternoon

  10. I jsut checked on the plants and they're looking okay...My grow partner fed them too much nutes the other day which upsets me a little bit. They'll bounce back though, killed a few leaves off...Also, where I LSTed the plant and broke the stem a bit, it's starting to turn a brownish color. What is that?

    on with the pictures!



    Dead leaves :(



    Browning of the broken stem :( can I fix this?!




    Thanks for looking!
  11. theyre looking good, are you having any bug problems? and whats up with having a grow partner? thats not usually a good idea imo
  12. unfortunately they are a bit on my friends property so I had to let him in on it. When I'm away he usually just waters them for me, he decided to use nutes for some strange reason....Oh well. And yes, theres bugs but I honestly don't think I can do too much about it, it's near a swampy area, I always get bitten by a bunch of mosquitoes when I go down there.

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