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first outdoor and LST

Discussion in 'Growing Marijuana Outdoors' started by eraxy42win, Jul 13, 2017.

  1. #1 eraxy42win, Jul 13, 2017
    Last edited: Aug 28, 2017
    Hey GrassCity, i'm looking for advise for my very first outdoor autoflower plant :)
    I'm using terra grow and bloom(both currently because they arrived when the plant was already showing pistols..).
    I would like to know what you think ..and about the leaves yes :"D my cat ate them :(

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  2. So you've been growing this girl outside?
    She's budding already and she's so small.
    How old is she how many days since you planted the germinated seed?

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  3. Hi!
    Its almost 2 months old ( 10-13 days till exactly 2 m)
    She was outside from first day. One friend told me that she did not get enough Nitrogen early and that's why she is so small. :\
    The plant is on balkony and gets light from 8 am till 7 pm light is that too much myb ?
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  4. I would get a bigger planter but the leaves look nice and green. I have a few autos and some regular photoperiod plants going. The auto's bud quick I even have a green cush non auto budding already. All the plants are outside.What kind of auto is it?

    Attached Files:

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  5. Hi!
    Its auto big angel from victory seeds.
    Idk if genetics are the problem, i assume its the sun, at day it can get +50° on direct light and i have them all day outside on direct light.
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  6. Could be genetics,as I said I have a green cush budding now and it is not an auto. I got my seeds from MSNL marijuanna seeds-nl. Check out that picture I posted previously it is an Auto blue dream Sun should not affect it as long as it is getting watered..
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  7. I realy dont know whats the problem. Got 2 new seed auto mazar extra from bulk.. i will see if those 2 gonna grow the same then the problem is at my place :"D
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  8. It's an auto right? If so
    she can take at lest 18 of light. No problem.
    I'm not much of an auto grower I do have a few of them in my garden but most people don't run 24 hours on them but some have they usually have some kind of problem with them but from my understanding 18 hours of light is safe and she'll still bud.

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  9. Autos can be unpredictable and genetics can be their Achilles heel they are man-made from the get-go I have 4 White Widow Auto from seedsman and all four of them are different two were grown out of the same package and the other two are growing out of another package but they all look completely different and smell different.
    So there's no consistency with Autos as far as I can tell.

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  10. I've read a lot of reviews of the same gen. and there was lot of up and down grow results. My first 3 autobluebarry where better, but back there i didnt know what i was doing so i harvested them too early ^^:lmafoe:
    My current serius happiness and gpsy widow are nice tall and bushy but still no flowering from 26.3 (seeding with paper method)
    Lets just hope that AutoMazar will get better than that :"D
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  11. thanks a lot! i was big time searching on that but no one said that he had too much light on outdoor plants.
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  12. Hey :") i thought why open new topic if here is already discuss of my plant.
    I took some pictures of serious happiness and gypsy widow(i do not know genetics)..
    Those plants where planted 26.3 , i had them inside till end of April (moving them around for max sun).
    In the start they had only water and Aptus all in one pellets. Now i'm waiting for pistols so i can start feeding them with Terra bloom.
    Serious happiness is about 120 cm height, gypsy is around 90-100 but more bushy than Serious h. .
    I would like to hear your opinion because this is my first year trying to grow :"D
    Also i have a question, if i would took branches down for clones..Would clone grow better than her "mother" or ?
    Thanks and have a nice day :)

    Serious H.:
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  13. Yeah those look pretty good right there in those pictures you got it going on. Just keep feeding them you got about another 4 weeks of growth before those start to really flip they're going to flip probably around August 14th 15th right in there some where they'll start flipping pretty good. Then it's all downhill from there.

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  14. No the Clones will grow the same. The Clone is just that the same plant about the only difference that you'll get is size I think but you should you know as long as you feed them the same give them the same amount of light if you gets giving everything the same you should have close to the same plant every single time it's how you grow them.
    I've been keeping several plant alive for over 4 years now I have a sage and sour that I only had 3 seeds from that I bought four years ago I still have one seed left .
    I grow every Harvest and
    I grow it probably I don't know probably four or five times a year I also have another plant super Citrus Hayes it was a freebie seed from seedsman only had one seed from my very first time i bought seeds.
    it's one of my favorite plants I have three of them growing in my garden right now every single time they come out as good as I feed them.

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  15. Very interesting :"D
    I hope there will be some bud on it :\ that's what i'm scared of .. She has around 20-25 branches from main stem, but there are not many leafs on it.. i expected way more :|

    One more question for autos(auto mazar extra- from bulk) Now she started to develop a second leaf and its going forward.
    Should i transplant her now or later in bigger pot(7 days from day planted) ? Also what time is best time for giving first grow nutrients, i use soil which have some added nutrients.
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  16. It's best to put her in her home pot as soon as you can. Not always have to but it is best for the plant not to stress.
    On autos well I'm not an auto guy yet. But i do run some. From my understanding you should have your soil already amended. About time I'll get back with you later

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  17. They are already in new big 30l pots tiny bit of water and lets wait :)
    I wont feed them with grow nutriets first week then ill see ...
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  18. Go to the main menu on this grasscity forum and punch in goodgrace world of Auto. goodgrace does a lot of Auto growing and she mite help you with your Auto she's real good with that.
    She has a lot of knowledge in Auto and she grows them all the time.

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  19. Thanks i contacted her and i hope ill get my answer :"D
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  20. Okay good luck show me a picture when you get ready to harvest

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