First organic grow

Discussion in 'First Time Marijuana Growers' started by Kenbob42, Oct 6, 2023.

  1. It’s my first time not using bottle nutes just super soil/recharge/molasses. I’m into week 6 of 12/12 and I feel like the fan leaves are dying off quicker than normal.

    I am running two separate strains(although only pics of one) but the same set up and both are looking starved for nitrogen.

    I do have a bottle of Humboldt county own Killer tea I could add but I wanted some opinions before I went outside of what I have already been doing.

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  2. the flowers look small what type of light are you using? they look starved also try some fish emulsion it works fast I am in week 6 also and started feeding fish emulsion 2 weeks ago when mine looked pale but yours look hungry for light also
  3. Week 6 with HPS

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  4. The light for this plant is an HLG 260 Rspec. It has been plenty in the past. Other plant is a HLG 150 Rspec. [​IMG][​IMG]

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  5. they look great try the fish shit if you want it did help mine
  6. Thanks for the reply. Definitely going to try it. Still have quite a ways to go and at this rate they’ll be crispy and dead before they are ready.

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