First Order Ideas from Attitude for Oct. Special

Discussion in 'Marijuana Seeds Banks' started by saltwater, Oct 1, 2010.

  1. Hey Guys,

    I am going to order some beans form Attitude for my first grow. I am hoping to grow these out 1-2 plants at a time. All of these will be feminized since I am only ordering a few beans.

    I am thinking to start I should get Northern Lights as well as White Widow because I have heard that both of these are great starter strains. I dont know what breeder to go with though. Both Nirvana and Female have them at comparable prices. Who should I go with? Are there other breeders that are better?

    Now I need one more seed to get over the 15 pound minimum. I have read that Barney's Farm Red Dragon is a pretty good strain. Does anyone have any other ideas for a noobs first grow?

    Thanks guys!
  2. Go with the Black Widow and NL from I have heard nothing but good things about Red Dragon along with all of Barneys Farm gear. So I don't think you can go wrong there.

    Good luck
  3. To the CaliGrower, that SUCKS dude! All that effort... At least you managed to save some, hey! Im considering getting something from Cali Connection, they just brought out some 'Sour OG' and I dont know whether to try my luck, anyone had good/bad experience with Cali connects? Sour OG Seeds by The Cali Connection
    These guys are doing an alright deal atm with free seeds and shipping, just trying to decide whether these ones will be any good! help! :confused:
  4. Those ARE seeds from Barneys Farm. And they hermied badly. So much for your recommendation that " can't go wrong with barney's farm. g'luck" :rolleyes:
  5. tKB, does ship to us and what's your take on sagarmatha seeds? Any experience with that breeder?
  6. You can purchase from attitude. I would be very weary of Sagamartha. I have read LOTS of complaints about them lately.
  7. Complaints about hermies from Barneys farm stock are all over the net.

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    Barneys farm sucks a gang of dick!

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