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First Nutella Firecracker

Discussion in 'Weed Edibles' started by agd, Jan 29, 2011.

  1. Hello grasscity first posted this in aprentice toker section and forgot about this section.

    ok so I made a nutella Firecracker in my toaster oven and I am wondering if I have done it right.

    ok so I spread nutella on 2 rits round crackers
    then i added 1 to 1.5 bowls worth of dank
    mixed the weed with the nutella on the cracker
    then I put the other cracker with nutella on the other one and made a sandwich
    Lastly, I then wrapped in foil and put in the toaster oven at 310-325 for 25 minutes.

    and now its been out and the cracker is a nice dark gold and the nuttela is crunchy/hard is that ok?
  2. eat it then you tell us
  3. well, how was it?
  4. I guess they worked!
  5. lol i just made a nutella firecracker and ate half of it then i saw this thread


    holy cow do these taste aweful
  6. I've only had a firecracker once, and it was only had like 0.2 in it, but I still felt a very small happy buzz. Actually liked it.
  7. thats the truth i almost threw up and mine was way bigger and i used peanutbutter. but it was a hell of a good high.
  8. Yeah im flyin high right now on my first one, eye ballin the second but i gotta go pick up a zip in about an hour and i would like to be able to talk coheriently.
  9. nutella tastes great
  10. he never came back. now i will never know if it worked.  :cry:
  11. Nutella is shit, tastes like ass cooked def prefer peanut butter! Also did u decarb? Firecrackers are alright but still, not the most potent way to deliver to your system

    Sent from my iPhone using Grasscity Forum

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