First new piece...

Discussion in 'Smoking Pipes, Glass Spoon Pipes' started by barbaricyawp, Feb 8, 2011.

  1. Just picked up smoking a few months ago when an ex gave me a cheap old pipe. Just got my first nice new piece and I feel like showing it off. It's nothing too special, but I'm excited and want to share.

    Got it for $25 from, I think I'll name him Watson.


  2. Nice sherlock broski.
  3. cool pipe dude
  4. Nice find =x
  5. man really loving those colors
  6. Looks pretty awesome dude, loving the color scheme :D
  7. I also have a sherlock named watson :) good looking pipe
  8. sick pipe
  9. The only thing that used to bother me with my Sherlock was trying to pack it. It sould always fall over on me and make it difficult to load. It was one of my first pieces as well though so it might have just been me.

  10. Its really cool man, I actually one to pick one of those up
  11. very elementary my dear watson

    what does it hit like?

  12. Nice sherly!! I knew it was from Etsy before I even read the actual text in your post :x

    haha but seriously I like the colors, but everyone here can see the elephant in the room here, which is the very small narrowing along the neck, cause if shit breaks, thats where its going down.

    enjoy! Let us know how it hits! I have a nice sherlock of my own as well. Feels nice to puff on.
  13. Hits great... Surprised myself the first time I let go of the carb... Much more smoke in the chamber than my old shitty bowl.
  14. Nice glass man, gotta love the Sherlocks :smoke::smoke::smoke:
  15. Looks good man nice Sherlock

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