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First Jay

Discussion in 'Apprentice Marijuana Consumption' started by Eltoro, Sep 30, 2010.

  1. So i just ripped my first joint, which I made my self. I kinda had some doubts as to how the high would be compared to a high from a pipe. I heard pipes were more thc effecient or some shit. Any advice or opinions?

    Also im gone right now....
  2. aha you confused me I thought you meant you ripped it in half.You'll get high off a joint das for sure.
  3. Should have taken a pic...

    I usually smoke Joints, I get high as fuck usually. It's my personal opionion that a lot of THC gets stuck towards the back as it's pulled through the J and thus, as you burn, shit gets stronger.
  4. Pipes are personally one of my least favorite ways to smoke, there's just something about it that is so much less satisfying than rolling your own joint and lighting it up.
  5. joints tend to fuck me up a lot more than glass does. i usually smoke glass, but enjoy a nice j once in a while. :smoke:
  6. i find thatpipes conserve weed and hit harder compared to joints

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