First impressions on the world

Discussion in 'Philosophy' started by Devlinokivich, Aug 4, 2012.

  1. Can first impressions be such a big impact that when you first discovered something for the first time that it determined how you ultimately, felt and feel about anything in general.

    Do you think?
  2. I think so.
  3. Right now we are exploring space as we did Earth.

    Then we colonize space as we did Earth.

    Then we have wars for space as we do for Earth.

    First impressions are war./endscene
  4. First impressions influence our initial understandings...
    Some hold onto that matter what....
    they have a very limited view of the universe round them...

    Other take those first impressions....and see what they can build upon them...
    adding more perspectives.....more impressions...
    Looking for a clearer picture of the whole....
    Trying not to get stuck on the details...yet not missing them along the way...

    It is a classic human flaw to take a single view....
    A single tiny bit .....
    And convince themselves it is the whole....

    So don't discard your first impressions....
    Just don't forget to give them room to grow....

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