First Hydroponic Grow

Discussion in 'Hydroponic Grow Journals' started by RogerDanger, Aug 10, 2012.

  1. Hello GC, I'm finally ready for my first hydroponics grow! I have the closet 95% setup and tomorrow I'll begin germinating the feminized seeds (Original Skunk #1, White Widow, and Kandy Kush).

    ...hoping that months of research will pay off in my practice run.

    I plan on updating this thread regularly.
    If you have any questions, ask, and I'll do my best to answer.
  2. I'll post pictures of my grow-room later today if I find time.
  3. Welcome to GC. Besides pics, can you describe the equipment you are using for this grow? ;)
  4. Sure!

    3.5x3.5 table
    40gallon res
    RO/DI Water
    3 gallon Smart Pots filled with Hydroton, rockwool on top for sprouting
    GH Flora Series Nutes
    600w HPS
    Can Carbon Filter attached to 6 inch inline fan

    ....I think that's all that's worth mentioning for now. :wave:
  5. I hooked the table up to the pump to flood it, and it ended up dripping from where the fill spout is, so I just applied silicone all around it... Waiting on it to dry before I reconnect the table to the pump and try again tonight or tomorrow... Stay tuned folks!
  6. Silicone fixed everything... No more leaks!
  7. Sweet, sounds like a successful setup.
    What nutes are you using?

    Edit oops just saw your previous post. Derp!
  8. #8 RogerDanger, Aug 12, 2012
    Last edited by a moderator: Aug 12, 2012

    I might add that I'll likely follow "The Recipe" for this grow: hxxp://
  9. 4/6 seedlings germinated so far... Put them in rockwool today.

    Attached Files:

  10. Nice setup man, which CAN is that? 33? I just bought a new carbon filter/inline fan for my grow (just went into flower...they are getting smelly w/o bud...) and saw the CAN filters. Nice stuff. Nice overall setup!
  11. Woot for sprouts! So it begins...

    I'm excited to see the flora series in action. And GL with "the recipie", seems like a solid process, with good reasults. I was gonna go for the flora series, but went with the maxigro/bloom from GH. Doesn't seem like a lot of people have tried it, so well see what happens.. You using any micro nutes?
  12. It's a 33 Can, and thank you. :smoke:
  13. I also have Cal-Mag, Pure-blend Pro, and Liquid Karma... Unsure of how to use those yet; however, I AM going to use Kool Bloom Powder according to "The Recipe."
  14. 6/6 seeds germinated using paper towel method! I planted 1/4 inch deep in rockwool macro plugs by Grodan. Now, 24 hours after planting the first 4, I'm waiting on the first sprout. Hopefully they'll breakthrough tomorrow morning, we'll see.

    Light cycle: 18/6
    Water cycle: 2 floods, 15 minutes each
    No nutes until they sprout.
  15. Approaching 48 hours, no sprouts. I opened the rockwool a bit, to peek, and they're showing good signs of growth.... I also decreased watering to 1 flood for 15 minutes as the rockwool seems to be staying moist enough.
  16. Good call on not over-watering from the start :smoke:
  17. Yes, I have timer set to water as soon as the light comes on... Light just came on and their watering just finished. 24 hours to go, they should be nice and thirsty come this time tomorrow! ;)
  18. Oh, I should also add that the PH is 5.8.
  19. #19 RogerDanger, Aug 15, 2012
    Last edited by a moderator: Aug 15, 2012
    Seedlings stretching for surface 2 and a half days in.

    First pic: White Widow (seedlings in the back)
    Kandy Kush (seedling in the front left)
    Skunk 1 (seedling in the front right)

    Second pic: Skunk 1

    6 total

    Attached Files:

  20. 3 days in, 6/6 have sprouted.

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