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First high

Discussion in 'Apprentice Marijuana Consumption' started by Renji Elric, Jan 17, 2010.

  1. I smoked for the second time today =) story time again.
    Me and two others went cruising around town to visit some people. I got 40 bucks for pizza so we decide to smoke before hand... we literally called everyone and searched everywhere but there was no where to smoke =( we gave up and smoked in his car in front of dominoes, blowing the hits out of the window.
    My first hit was beastly... i was coughing after i cleared the bowl. i took one more, with some stuff sucking into my mouth when i was clearing it (how do i stop this from happening?), then we went inside and got the pizza (555 deal, cept it cost 20 bucks instead of 15). It was friggin delicious, and i wasn't even high yet. we cruised around some more, and in the mean time, i ate 7 of the 8 slices of pizza. sooo good. I took one last hit, then was disappointed cause i didn't feel different at all, and it was like 10 minutes ago. we chilled, and were talking and eating when suddenly, EVERYTHINg in my body relaxed... i felt happy and shit i can't even describe it. Long story short, I was high. Best experience of my life =) It lasted around an hour and a half. Haha i remember i couldn't even eat my pizza without dropping stuff everywhere, it felt like someone else was feeding me. I spaced out and thought i was in a concert hall too.... aaahhh good time :smoking:
    Does it take anyone else like 20 minutes after smoking to get high? it literally was like hitting a wall, one moment completely sober, the next baked.
    any other first-high experience stories? :)
  2. Now imagine if you didn't eat that pizza. Some say it's in your head but I think The fuller your stomach the less high you get. But definitely don't smoke on an empty stomach.
  3. hahaha yeah but it was so good... trust me, you should try it. It probably would have been even more amazing eating it high, but i had to do while sober =/
    I'll try not to eat a whole pizza before smoking next time
  4. Your hitting the weed too hard. Take nice, long, slow hits. it will stop stuff from getting in your mouth and it get your higher because the weed circulates more through your lungs. if that doesn't work pack the bowl tighter.

    add rep pls
  5. my first high- well it took me 1 month of smoking everyday to finally get high. i was so determined to get high. The first time i did get high it was fucking amazing! did anyone else take a while to finally get high?
  6. You inhaled incorrectly for over a month? o.o
  7. i remember when i first started smoking when I was 13, for the first like 6 months(only smoking like 4 times a month) i could never tell if i was high or not at first, im not sure why haha? maybe i wasnt used to it or something but now i can feel it seconds after hitting my bong:D
  8. yeah for me it usually takes about 10-15 minutes to peak, like I'll take a few hits, I can generally feel a small time distortion and slight body relaxation within like 30 secs of taking the hit and then I'll go put my bud and shit away and get some food and it generally kicks in with the full on "body-orgasms" and euphoria about 10 minutes afterward

    first time I got really high was sketchy as hell, my friend packed a normal sized bowl into his bong (it was a huge hit for me lol he milked it and then passed it to me since I didn't know what the hell I was doing) and I take it and inhale it and start coughing up a storm... he pulls out his guitar afterward and I sit there chilling on it for a while just playing some stuff, not really feeling anything, and I set it down and close my eyes for a minute and then when I opened them and got up it was like a fucking truck hit me, my whole body was pulsating with energy and my vision felt like burst-photography for lack of a better way of putting it. I felt mass euphoria but I was super paranoid and had mass anxiety... overall it was a bittersweet experience and I wish I had been better prepared for it, but of course I've been toking since so it didn't put me off :smoking:
  9. He also could have been smokin' some piece of shit weed.
    It took my second time to get high.
    Happens to the best of us.
  10. I smoked shit weed the first time, and it was one of the most intense experiences I've ever gotten smoking. Remember, shit weed... is still weed.
  11. I'm a spoiled smoker, first thing I ever smoked was dispensary shit :p I think it was some kind of OG kush or something :smoking:

  12. I'm usually high before i finished smoking haha... But I guess it's different for everybody.
  13. first time when i was 13, in a bush with some weird kush, got caught by random strangers about 3 times but was too high to care, :D and maybe you dont inhale properly the first couple of times?
  14. Man I remember my first hit... not counting those k2 joints, we were rolled up some purple kush my friend had gotten from his many dealer friends back home. I inhaled for like 10 seconds on each (coffing horribly after each, virgin lungs and all, haha), and didn't start feeling it till my 3rd sess. I think it took me like 10-15 minutes to first sink in, but enjoyed everything quite a lot ^_^.

    Now I'm a quite "conditioned" herb user, bout to blow up a few more bags from my vape with my floral lavendar kush. Only woke up at 1pm today after crazy party last night, but you know how it is, and it'll probably take me like 5-10min for it to start workin' out, but doesn't really matter when I usually vape for 30m-1hr on end :smoke:.

  15. Man I just had my first actual high last night! It was beast... all this dumb shit happened and when I left to head home, I went by McDonalds with my brother and was convinced that I was in love with my McDouble... I didn't even wanna eat it, just love it... XD I remember texting my guy and telling him it was the best burger I had ever eaten in my life. Maaaan, best night of my life. But it take me about ten to fifteen minutes to get high, I just felt really sick and wanted to go home... then I got up and we were walking up the stairs and it hit me like a sack of potatoes. XD

  16. I think it could be a combination frow shit weed and never being high. first couple of times i tried to get high i failed causee i bought a bag of shit weed. then my friend introduced me to the good shit and a bong, 1 hit and i was toast.

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