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first high in over a year! wow...I had forgotten

Discussion in 'Apprentice Marijuana Consumption' started by samwich, Feb 9, 2011.

  1. #1 samwich, Feb 9, 2011
    Last edited by a moderator: Feb 9, 2011
    Hey everyone,

    I took a few hits tonight after a long weekend/week of work and I had to create an account here and share some of my refreshed thoughts on this miraculous plant (forgive my terrible writing, I'm still blazed like it's my first time). Being high for the first time in so long feels insane, I completely forgot not only how relaxing it is, but how it can bring so much of life into perspective.

    I had quit smoking after 2 years of doing it every day because I started to get panic and social anxiety attacks every time I was high. I don't know this all started, but as soon as it did, it seemed like there was no going back. I decided to just stop blazing because it was always an unpleasant experience of tensity and paranoia.

    But the social anxiety stuck with me hard. I had originally blamed the anxiety on my first major acid and shroom trips, but in reality, I have been shy all my life and the psychedelics just made me more aware of it. They brought it into perspective and helped me work on it. But after quitting everything all of these doors I had opened in my mind with weed and psychedelics were beginning to close up, and I realized I was falling back into my old self who was just socially anxious without a clue what to do about it.

    I continued with this pattern for a year, and finally broke it tonight. I actually have smoked a once or twice in the past month, but it was a recurrence of the old paranoia attacks. Tonight I finally remembered what a positive high feels like, and I'm having all of these repeats of perspective changes and mini revelations from the old days.

    I feel like I am at a crossroads right now; I can go back down the road that introduced me more and more to myself, (but it had its negative effects as well, and I was still a socially anxious person then), or remain on the path I'm on and slowly dissolve back into the cultural perspective, losing everything I had gained. I now feel like a more responsible adult but glimpsing back into the world of weed and pyschedelics tonight is causing me to miss the attitude on life I had smoking a j while comin down from a trip, when everything seems so vibrant and mysterious!

    Wow...wrote more than I expected to...and after rereading that I think I might be a little crazy. Fuck it, I'm just high

    Peace everyone :D
  2. Ahaha nice read, sounds like you just needa chill the fuck out and smoke a bowl. Life is here to live, not hide in fear. Smoke weed, get high, eat food, watch tv, beat ur meat, go to bed. Wash, rinse, repeat. :smoke:
  3. Fuck yeah, life is here to live.
    A lot of people seem to forget that we are just like any other living thing on this planet. We were put here with the purpose of BEING here. Just because we have higher intelligence and have developed things such as language, numbers, etc. doesn't exactly mean it's the best for us to use them.
    I mean..look where we are now. ;p
  4. Congrats on getting back into the game... Weed should never bring on panic or paranoia, if it does then you need to adjust your enviroment to suit how it affects you. I like to calm down chill with buds(hehe...) and avoid the rest of the human population, it's all about what makes the expierence for you. And I envy you, 522 days n' countin will be my first time in 5 years, can't wait to see how thats gonna feel:D
  5. I'm great to here it man. I'm honestly one of the shyest people you could ever meet. It was really bad before I started to use the herb but as of right now, it couldn't be better, even though I still struggle with socializing and anxiety. I just hope one day it'll all disappear.
  6. "We're here to be"...I like that. I've had that realization so many times but can't seem to keep the feeling of it while living my day to day life. It's like I can logically try to convince my self of it but the mystical feeling of it won't stay.

    Lol, adding to the "I had forgotten" part of my post, I had completely forgotten how groggy I am in the morning when I go to bed sky high. Already overslept class......class is at noon.....*facepalm*.

    @Shimmydylan - I'm gonna keep hoping the same thing. The only times I have managed to release all of my anxieties is after very intense and difficult psychedelic trips where I work through a lot of personal stuff. For weeks or even months I keep the afterglow with me, but sure enough, the ego and cultural perspectives start sneaking their way back into my thoughts. One day I hope I find the magic pill, until then, I'll just keep on improving.

    Thanks for readin guys
  7. you did the right thing not doing it for a year bro, so props for that!

    i can only really repeat what others have said..

    In reality our lives are over in the blink of an eye.. whats 80 years or so to a universe thats 13.7 billion years old.. We're just a collection of atoms clinging to a planet thats spinning around 9000 miles an hour, hurtling around a giant ball of nuclear energy situated on the arm of our spiral galaxy, the milky way... home. Which is in turn moving away from every other point in the universe at speeds our brains arent built to comprehend.. so smoke weed, get baked, watch TV, get laid, take acid, take shrooms.. fuck it man, do whatever the fuck you like!

    everyone dies, but only a few people really live.

    oh, and bro... welcome back. :smoke:

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