First Grow

Discussion in 'First Time Marijuana Growers' started by stikman, Oct 2, 2010.

  1. alrite bout to try my first grow and dont wanna waste money for a fuck up so im only gonna try one plant for now... does this sound like a good grow plan any tips and comments to help out are appreciated

    put sprout in moist organic soil in a plastic cup w/ clear wrap over it under 1- 26 watt cfl
    for th first week

    after it sprout move it to a plastic bucket under 1 100 watt mh until it has about 5 leaf sets

    when it has five put it under 1 100 watt mh and 1 100 watt hps with a small fan, then introduce nutrients growth stage npk 15-5-5 and for flower stage npk10-30-10

    is this good if not what else should i try? and wat am i missing?
  2. is this a clone? and if your putting a sprout in organic soil its going to take a little bit for it to get going . Soil growing is slow, but is supreme. After the plant begins to take off i would say immediatly throw it under the 100 watt mh. you can mix the spectrums for for only growing 1 plant i would say the 100 watt mh alone is sufficent enough. npk values all depend on how your going to nuit it. Have you had any idea as if you what nutrients you were going to get? i would highly suggest the Fox Farm line. Grow big and big bloom, as well as tiger bloom but you wont use tiger until flower. And as far as leaf sets..
  3. he said after it sprouts so not a clone...

    That sounds good, when watering make sure to let it get prety dry before watering agian,
    promotes good root growth... other then that what you said should work..

    gluck man... get a journal up, it also helps when problems arise..
  4. thanks ima swap out the organic soil for coco peat and rinse it good cause i kno it has alot of salt in it and ill defintly put up a journal too just gotta get some nutes and lights and then get started

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