First Grow

Discussion in 'First Time Marijuana Growers' started by Vrolox, May 17, 2010.

  1. Hey all,

    I'm about three months into my first grow ( all vegetative time from seed found in a bag ) I have cloned both of the plant I am growing and sexed them using clones ( both females :hello:) and they are huge ! like three feet tall lots of nodes with good spacing ( about two inches ) I'm growing in DWC with one 55w and one 26w Future harvest development cfl per plant as well as two 23 w cfls being shared by both plants as side lighting. only one problem I haven't gotten my HID lighting and Switched them to 12\12 lighting et and you can smell them outside the house as you walk up to it :eek: ( i knew it would smell but come on !!!! you can even tell it's some kind of kush ( i think ) any suggestion on the most cost effective type of odor elimination ( preferably that wont remove the smell from the buds themselves when they begin to grow just the air ..and the house ... and the outside of the house ... PLease help !!!!
  2. at home depot/ walmart you can buy carbon filter screening to cover your air outlets and inlets. it's like $10 for a 3 sqft piece. If you have a little more money to spend than buy an actual air filter that has a carbon filter in it.. again can be found at walmart. Only a carbon filter will remove smell, eveything else is just a cover up.

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