First grow

Discussion in 'Hydroponic Growing' started by jallen156, Feb 8, 2014.

  1. These are 2 clones I have. At this point they are 10 days or of the cloner. I think they are a little small and are not growing fast enough. Any suggestions.

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  2. Clones will grow very slowly for the first month or so. All their enery is going into building a strong root mass. Be patient keep humidity high but not wet & you should be fine.
  3. Yeah, they need lots of humidity and high temps. like 80s. Hit it with a Root Accel or B-vita to promote root zone and some mild strength Veg nutrient. :smoking:
  4. Cool thanks I'll run out and grab some today. Do you think both of those products work the same or is one more recommended over the other

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  5. id use rhizotonic before either of those. imho best root stim on the market.
  6. I wish you would have told me how expensive it is lol

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  7. aha sorry yeah it's a little pricey, but your roots will be pearly white! and they grow incredibly fast with it.
  8. I found a 20 dollar bottle. It's crazy I keep getting worried I hear people talk about their plants grow 1-2 inches a night and I'm like mines have grew a inch in like a week lol

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