first grow

Discussion in 'Grow Room Design/Setup' started by cory5489, Aug 17, 2012.

  1. hey guys just putting up a pic of my set up for now...its my first one so ive been messing with it alot.. to much, trying to figure out the best way to do this. so any advice is welcome cuz i have no clue what im doing...
  2. the big one is a month into flower. same with the bigger small one.. the other two i put into flower yesterday. just doing some expirimenting. vegged the big one for 5 weeks. took a clone at 4 weeks and put those two into flower at the same time. then i got a flowering clone in coco to compare to dwc. just seeing what works for me

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  3. 200+ views and no one has anyting to say?? i didnt think i was doin that bad

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