Just wished to post pictures on a weekly basis for others in my position wishing to compare their growth, at a particular stage, with someone else's. Hope this helps anyone wishing to make a comparision. Cheers
1. Two 48" Florescent Tube Ballasts and bulbs (Daytime F24 Bulb & Sunshine F24 Bulb). These can be bought via most large hardware chains in their lighting section...go figure: P.<?xml:namespace prefix = o ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-comfficeffice" /><o></o> <o></o> 2. Miracle Grow Potting Mix (5 Parts)<o></o> <o></o> 3. Miracle Grow Seedling Starter Potting Mix (2 Parts)<o></o> <o></o> 4. Plant Starter Fertilizer (mixed with water) 5. Small fan set on number 1 to provide a light breeze<o></o> <o></o> The plants have had the lights on 24/7 since they were germinated and first set in the soil. Below is a couple of shot's of my set up (my closet) and the product's i'm using. Any questions or suggestions are very welcome. Cheers!
12 days past since the germinated seed was placed in soil and exposed to 24/7 light. Below are pictures for reference. I have named the pictures/plants, so you can observe each plants growth as i wish to record.