Hey guys! I am super new to this whole growing thing, so in that case I would love any advice anyone has to offer! I have put quite a bit of money into this, I am trying to do things as "right" as possible with minimal mistakes. So far I have made a few and I plan to fix each one as I go along! These plants are EVERYTHING to me, I consider them my children. I check them about 4-5 times a day and so far things have been smooth, no serious complications. Grow Equipment: 3x6 foot Apollo grow tent 300 watt LED light 1 Gal smart pots (transplanting to 5 gal soon) Fox farms ocean forest soil Fox farms fertilizer kit Ph up & Ph down 6' fan light schedule is 24/0 , humidity is 87%, temperature is 77% , they sprouted March 31st, today would mark 10 days of Veg since I count them as in Veg state on April 10th. ( I don't count seedlings as in the veg stage) Again any advice is appreciated, I plan to keep up with this grow journal daily. I notice on one of them they have weird shaped leaves, is that normal? The girls are both pretty healthy but I don't want to overlook something that could be a big problem. Here is my set up: Sent from my iPhone using Grasscity Forum mobile app
Looks like you've been doing a great job!! Congrats. The first grow is always the toughest and most confusing. The biggest advice I can give you right now while you're in veg with your plants, is to make very sure that you are allowing them sufficient time to dry out each time before watering again. Since they do not like their roots in constant moisture, we use this very light and arid soil loaded with perlite to allow the water to drain away. If you container does not feel as dry as it did when you first loaded with dry soil, then it's not time to water. When you first plant or transplant a plant, the first thing it does is form a root system. The foliage just pretty much sits there and waits while this happens and people starting out who have no idea what they're doing tend to get concerned a lot of times and starting doing things to their plants that only hurts...not helps. Until you see the plant start to pick up the growth of foliage and start using more water, you'll know that's what is going on. So...if you jump in size from a 1 gallon pot to a 5 gallon pot, it's going to take it longer than it would if you just went up say 1 size from where you are. We do ours like that and over the years, I've found that it's about the fastest way to get one from itty bitty to large enough to go into flower. If you confine the root space, the plant has less work to do regarding the creation of it's root system and it gets back to growing above soil level quicker. I've seen people put tiny seedlings that have just sprouted straight into a 5 gallon bucket of soil. Then they wonder why their plant is doing nothing. LOL It IS doing lots. You just can't see it. The roots are the brain of your plant and if they're not happy, you're plant won't do well. The soil you're using is good soil. I've used it in a pinch when I couldn't get the Roots Organics Original that we use. It is considered to be a "hot" soil among those popular with growers though, but looks like you're plant came through that just fine. Some strains tend to get a little burn from a soil that is hot but they'll usually just work through it, get stronger and come on out. But during veg, if you have good lighting (lighting is ALWAYS THE MOST IMPORTANT THING when trying to grow big healthy plants), good soil, understand how to water and get your water into the correct pH range (6.3 to 6.7) and potting them in stages like that, you will need very little nute additives. The soil already has nutes in it and the plants never need anything in the nute line until they've had an opportunity to use up what came naturally in the soil mix you're using. If you pot them up like I explained above, every time you repot the nutes are resupplied. We typically don't even start nutes with ours until a couple of weeks or so before they go into flower and....because we use very good soil, I only give about 1/4 or less what the manufacturer recommends I give the plant throughout it's life. I'm not real into pouring a ton of chemicals in my plants. I want them to have enough to thrive, but no more than necessary. Because we use no more than we do, I don't flush my plants before harvest. God, I couldn't imagine having to flush 25-30 plants at one time...LOL...we're talking days to do that. The taste of what we grow here is absolutely great and my plants are just as pretty and big as anyone else's I've seen anywhere. Of course, the nute makers want you to pour it to them so you have to buy more of that ridiculously expensive stuff. I'll tell you this and then shut up.... Several years ago I was talking to a grower friend of mine in Southern California and was complaining about these 10-bottle nutrient mixes and how aggravating and time consuming it was to deal with and how I was always managing to burn a plant here and there. She turned me on to a powder combo (veg/bloom) called "Jack's" by J.R. Peters. It's simple, my plants love it, you have to work to fry one and is CHEAP!! We flower from 25-30 every 10 weeks or so and I can buy enough of this stuff to last me well over a year for under $15. Can't beat that with a stick. Something you might want to consider on down the line. Good luck. Hope I've helped!! TWW
I would add more light, Chem/OG varieites love their light and just over 16 watts per sq. ft. is not going get you much. I would go another 300 min. if sticking with LED, 2 more would be optimal. You could also run another 600 HID along with the LED for amazing results. Just an FYI 35-40 watts per sq. ft. will produce, and 45-50 watts per sq. ft. will give you optimal results. Smart choice going with fabric pots, love seeing that. I would suggest an oscillating fan, and preferable some form of outlet air, inlet is not important in tents b/c the outlet sucks air form outside the tent. Just suggestions. What Tahoe? Looks like it is from seed so the source makes a big difference in how it grows b/c the lineages are different with ea. source. Tahoe, as with most true Chem/OG varieties are very finicky, so you picked a challenge for your first grow. I take it by Fox Farm kit you are speaking of the 3-part(Grow Big, Big Bloom, and Tiger Bloom)???? Are you using municipal tap water, well water, or RO? Makes a difference on what additives you may need. Chems/OGs are finicky. Howeve ronce you dial them in, and get your finish over the last 15-20 days down, there is not too many lines that can compare in flavor and potency. I've grown pretty much every cut and hybrid in seed form of Chems and OG's. Once you get them down few compare. PM if you want an indepth schedule to get above average results.
Actually the kit has about 10- 12 different fertilizers in small bottles, (it was a special on Amazon)I have only done one feeding, because the soil has been doing its job. I ph the water to 6.3 ( I use my tap water, it comes from a lake) I plan to get a vent system going through the next couple of weeks, install 2 more fans and I have another light in storage. I'm also transplanting them into 5 gal smartpots soon, today I checked on them and they were burnt so I moved the light up so I don't think I'm gonna add a light anytime soon... seems like it's a little too much for them at the moment. and as far as the strain, they were given to me by a relative that had purchased them through a local cannabis dispensary. I was waiting for some seeds I had ordered from nirvana & decided to germinate while I was waiting for the seeds to come in the mail. to my surprise, they actually made it through the seedling stage. my main concern is just the watering/feedings aren't really on a schedule. I just go off of how the soil feels. I'm nervous about the flowering stage as I have heard they can be finicky with light leaks, my tent is brand new & doesn't have holes but it still makes me nervous... how much light could cause a hermaphrodite? Sent from my iPhone using Grasscity Forum mobile app
Girls are looking good today! I lowered the light a little, and fed them some more fox farms fertilizer. I am wondering when to transplant to bigger pots... Since this is my first grow I would love to experiment with topping... but I have no clue where to start. any suggestions? any advice is much appreciated! Sent from my iPhone using Grasscity Forum mobile app
Cant beat jacks citrus feed! My plants are lovin it. I did manage to burn a few since its my first grow but not badly. Have you tried jacks bloom nutes? They sell 25 lb bags for about $60, Jacks aqua gold finisher. I believe its a 7-15-30 with 9% sulfur
girls are getting bigger and better everyday, couldn't be more proud! I've ordered a 2nd 300 watt LED , I'm hoping to switch the lights by May 5th depending on size. I haven't been giving them much fertilizer, it looks to me as if they don't really need it and I want them to be as organic as possible. can someone please explain topping to me??? it is too early?? this is day 19 of veg. let me know any advice/comments you have! =) Sent from my iPhone using Grasscity Forum mobile app
how much would I yield if I start flowering today? Sent from my iPhone using Grasscity Forum mobile app
day 29 of Veg!!! really happy with the way things are going. I'm so glad she's bushy rather than tall. I want to flip next week, my light & pots & soil are finally coming in Tuesday... hoping to see more growth cause I want a decent yield. Topping them was a success! Sent from my iPhone using Grasscity Forum mobile app
What strain? There's more things that can cause a Hermie the a slight light leak. My tent is sealed. Don't use passive intake. My temps are Good. I ordered from Nirvana. Don't get nervous bud. You won't get a hermie unless you Really stress her out, be patient Good Luck Sent from my iPad using Grasscity Forum mobile app
these are Tahoe OG Kush from a local cannabis dispensary. I know they aren't Hermies bc they showed me their sex. I was never worried bc I knew they were feminized so no probs in that department but yeah thanks good to know. Hopefully the ride to harvest is nothing but relaxing for these lovely ladies Sent from my iPhone using Grasscity Forum mobile app
transplanted the girls today!!!! they're upset with me cause I haven't watered in 2 days, but I like to do that so I don't overwater I check the soil everyday though and never let it get too dry. I also got another 300 watt led, same light as other so they each have their own now. Also added a perlite cap. Super proud of how far they have come, with minimal complications. Think I should switch now? or wait another 2 weeks? Lmk what you guys think! Sent from my iPhone using Grasscity Forum mobile app
Been a while since my last update on this one, sadly only one made a recovery from the heat damage. However, my other one has been vegging for 10 weeks and has made a beautiful comeback! I think she is ready for flower, so I'm gonna trim her up, feed her, check for bugs and back into the tent she goes. I have (2) 300 watt LED's and got my carbon filter and vent system set up. Any advice before I go into flower is much appreciated! Sent from my iPhone using Grasscity Forum mobile app
last thing you need is a bug infestation in your flower tent, i wouldnt take my plant back outside. that sucks about your grow getting burned up it gets 120 degrees here in the summer so i feel your pain they look like pure crap in that heat lol good luck on finishing this one out. i would defoliate a little over half way up everything must go, youll have little undeveloped popcorn buds come harvest if you dont,