Hi i have been browsing these forums a good bit and decided to make an account! I am doing micro grow in my closet in a storage bin, I have it pretty much built, But maybe there are a few things you guys could suggest i add before i start my grow. What I Have So Far 1) Storage bin lined with aluminum foil. 2) Two outtake fans rigged to 9 volt AC adapters. 3) Three holes near bottom on each side for intake. 4) A double outlet light timer. 5) Two power strips attached to the top of the bins lid with six light bulb adapters pluged in (3 per strip) 6) power strip taped to the side of the bin to pl;ug everything in to so there's only one thing pluged in to the wall. Additional Information / Questions 1) I plan on putting three plants in there at a time. (Is there enough space for three plants in there)? 2) This will be my box from veg all the way till bud. (Is it big enough for the entire growth process) ? 3) I already have two 26 watt CFL bulbs, I need 6. (Should i buy 4 more of the same bulbs or buy 6 completely other bulbs with higher watts)? Thanks!
that right there is a massive massive fire hazard if you want everything and i mean everything to burn down go ahead and fire it up. get a homebox s or budbox s 1meter high tent completly safe to grow weed in and hardly noticable that right there would get you cuaght or worse burned in your sleep fix it
take out the foil and use flat white paint and put more intake holes also i would use something to secure the power chords other than tape and yes that is plenty of space to grow veg and bud if you lst
tin foil burns through your plant. creates hot spots. wouldnt suggest it. if u are going to flatten it out. use like a quarter or something to flatten it out. good luck. cant wait to see this go through