First Grow Questions and Help

Discussion in 'First Time Marijuana Growers' started by LaChronJames, Jan 22, 2010.

  1. Hi everyone! Ok i was thinking about starting a small grow in my closet. Nothing big at 1-3 plants for personal use. Thing is i have no knowledge of growing anything really haha. I'd like to keep my budget under $100 but i can spend more if needed.

    Alright so the questions i have now are..
    - What supplies will i need?
    - Where can i obtain the supplies?
    - Any links or books i can read to gain some knowledge?

    All help will be greatly appreciated!
  2. *smacks head*

    Yanno there's a good dozen "How to's" and other assorted tutorials STICKIED in this forum right?
    They'll tell you EVERYTHING you need to know. From germinating seeds, to proper light cycles, to what kind of soils to use and not to use, to what type of nutients you'll need, topping methods, lst, and I could go on and on.

    If you wana seriously grow your own use stash spend a few hours and read read read, it's the same thing every vet says here. I've been reading and gaining knowledge on the topic for the past month and are comfortably germinating my seeds getting the process going.
    But, to answer your questions.
    Supplies? seeds, soil, nutes, lights, planters, time, patience, also a trinket made from a petrified gorrila hand is essential for your grow.

    Where do you live? That's how you'll decide to go about buying your matierals. Is there a WallyWorldWalMart near ya? Did you read the tutorials on where to buy supplies? Did you look online? On Amazon? Did you search for a local gardening/home center near your home? or perhaps research a hydroponic growing center in your town or city?

    Grass cityis the greatest guide/book you'll find towards growing. Lots of friendly helpful vets who are willig to help (especially if you've done your homework before asking questions, they can tell), alot of guys like you and I just getting our feet wet and starting out.

    This link will help to start getting an idea of what you need to do to start rolling.
  3. I wrote a grow guide (linked in my sig) that is designed for people such as yourself who just want the basics for a small closet grow. These two books (here and here) are also very good books that got me started. As dynomite was alluding to, there is no substitute for doing your own research. Do lots of it. And when you think you know it all, read it again. Then you'll be ready to germinate some seeds. :)
  4. Wow! Chiefton8, that is a great noobie grow guide! It should be a sticky, really. Noobies, if you read only one grow guide, read this one too. +rep
  5. Go to, look up and watch everything by "Jeorge Cervantes", also on, I suggest "High Time's, Ready Set Grow"...there's so much to learn and soooo many people and places to get info from. New growers typically do best with soil growing using organic fertlizers like: earthworm castings, seabird guano, bat guano, kelp (or liquid seaweed) and maybe some molessas.

    Here's an idea:
    Get you some Fox Farm's Ocean Forest to use for soil....then read up on organic's easy, and pretty hard to screw up...good luck.

  6. Sorry sorry i know you people on here have answered this question a million times but my search results didnt really turn up specific info i needed.
    To answer your question yes, i do have a wallyworld near by..also a lowes and home depot. Thats about it on places here that carry these such supplies.

    Thanks! I think this is exactly what im looking for! +rep for you

    Thanks! I'll give those a watch.

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