First Grow Outdoors a couple of q's

Discussion in 'First Time Marijuana Growers' started by tonomon, Feb 2, 2011.

  1. #1 tonomon, Feb 2, 2011
    Last edited by a moderator: Feb 2, 2011
    Hey guys I've been lurking on here forever. It's time I got to growing. So in my town I can only get seedy ass shitty regs and it's overpriced. Plus I have to deal with sketchy people just to get some bud. It usually takes forever to find if I can find any at all.

    So it's time to stop wasting money and getting ripped off and grow my own.

    Here's my plan: Please give me suggestions and stuff :)

    Spend around $50? dollars on seeds and another 50 on growing supplies (tough times man)

    Is pickandmixseeds a good option? EDIT: okay pick and mix doesn't ship to the us. If you know another that will ship to us and is cheap let me know. freebies are nice also.

    Growing Location: Northern Florida. When is a good time to start? There's lots of forest in my neighborhood so I'm planning on doing it somewhere in there.

    I'm not so sure about the soil quality around here but it doesn't seem too good so I'd rather use 5 gallon? buckets and some store bought soil (suggestions).

    For the water I'm planning on digging a hole and laying down plastic for rainwater.

    I still need to do some research on fertilizer and bloom nutrients. but if you'd like to suggest I'd appreciate it.


    Here's where I really need help. The only good strains I've smoked are purple kush, bubblegum kush, and ak 47. The rest has been in between regs with hundreds of seeds and high quality mids.

    Suggestions on the strain? Also I'm planning on getting feminised seeds since I'm not going to be buying many seeds. Should I buy auto feminised?

    I know I have a lot of questions here, any help would be appreciated
  2. Oh and I'll be doing a grow journal once I get started with pictures
  3. #3 crazyacres, Feb 2, 2011
    Last edited by a moderator: Feb 2, 2011
    Not my journal -

    Dude I dunno but I can tell you that your gonna need to spend more than 100 dollars to get this going, even if it is outside.

    Fem seeds are they way to go. But are gonna be alittle more for some decent genetics. I would plant the bagseed if you had any - Esp if your on a budget.

    Attitude is a pretty fail safe option for you - they have a great selection of genetics/seeds. Look at Mandalas Selection. They also have pretty good freebies all the time.

    As far as soil goes if your on a budget you could mix your own - Just look in some of the stickys on the forums. Theres a million diff types of DIY soil mixes.

    I would look to plant around Late March- April

    Not sure how much rain your getting in Florida, But I doubt its going to be enought to feed that many plants just collecting rainwater, you might want to look into other options.

    Stay away from auto fems and just get fem seeds, you still have a good grow window to work with

    I wouldnt worry to much about the names of the pot your growing etc. The ones you have listed are great - just get good genetics!!!

    Let me know if this helps you!!!

  4. This really did help me thank you!!

    I can spend a little bit more on the project. What do you recommend I spend on seeds and what should I spend on the products?

    I've actually read that journal when searching for north florida information lol. There's not too much online. I saw that he had a fence around his plants. I found some fence a while ago.

    Can you please explain why to choose fem over auto fem? And I do have some seeds from some really good regs I got but if I grow them wouldn't they turn out herme and just pollinate the femmed plants?
  5. Hey man :wave: glad I'm not the only one in Florida who is interested in growing. That last grow wasn't as nice as I wanted it to be, only harvested aboute 2 of the plants due to some fucking kids and a male.

    I got aboute an ounce dried in the end and the only thing I bought was soil and nutes. I used some seeds from dank.

    If this is your first grow don't buy seeds, use the seeds from your "shwag" The only reason why the weed you get is like that is becouse it was grown in sand in Mexico and was raped by a bunch of males then dried in the sun and stomped into buckets or PVC pipe. That's why it's flat.

    If you buy some fox farm soil and grow big nutes and put some of those seeds in it, you will end up with some nice bud in the end, if you pull the males and cure it.

    You need to use at least 4 gallons worth of soil per plant. I use 5 gal. Industrial buckets (the white ones)

    If your not going to use ffof (fox farm ocean forest soil) then you should buy soil that has perilite (white pellets that hold water) and you have to make sure it does not have time release nutrients this is important becouse plants don't like that stuff and you going to want to feed it nutrients that won't make your bud feel like someone stuck a torch down your throat.

    Your plants are going to need atleast 4-6 hours of direct sunlight. Go to your spot and look at the sun in the morning and afternoon so you can determin at what angle the sun goes, but remember the sun gets higher twards grow season so a tree that is in the way during march might not be high enough to block the sun during summer.

    Don't make trails, if it's possible try not to kill the vegetation you walk on Wich is really hard to do. A tan line leading to a green square is kinda obvious to a helicopter.

    As far as watering goes your going to need to water them aboute every three days it goes without water. So if it's been three days since you waterd and it rains, then you don't need to go back out there for another three days, this is a good thing becouse the less you visit your plot the better. Also check how fast your soil gets dry it might be longer or shorter and when your plant gets big it will drink more. Rain water collection is somthing I don't know aboute, I would just use large water bottles. If your lucky enough to have a lake or even better a running stream. That makes everything much easier but you have to ph test it the first time to make sure it is safe for your plants.

    Is your spot hard to get to? The harder it is to get to the better, things like thorns ,sticker bushes and Mosquitos are all deterrents, one big deterrent we have in Florida are palmettos (small palm trees).

    Do you have a safe place to unload equipment? This is one thing that is important don't park your car or bike in front of your trail. I used to drive a
    scooter so I would hide it in the woods and ride a skateboard to the spot and
    take the skate into the woods with me.

    You should start a journal, that way people have an idea of what you situation is and you can get alot of help that way.

    Good luck to your grow man keep it serious. Don't tell any one, even your best friend or drug dealer.
  6. Oh ya and if one day you do wanna buy seeds this is the place you wanna go
    They won't take your money and they ship to Florida.
    ATTITUDE SEEDBANK Cannabis Seeds
    I am growing himilayan blue diesel this year. I pollinated myself so there not fem. Hopefully I get a herm.

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