How do my first grow notes look? Feel free to add anything *Grow in sunny area possibly near a river *Find good pesticide to use that kills spider mites *Use tweezers after root grows during germination to transfer seedling to soil *use good soil mix *plant after last frost or during april *fill a 2x2 hole with soil mix Strain: Sativa Biddy Early Seeds: Non-pollinated Female 3x seeds + 2 free = 5 seeds Serious Seeds Biddy Early, Serious Seeds, Serious Seeds Marijuana Seeds Germination: 1 Week *Root coming out of seedling *put 1 paper towel on the bottom of plastic container and lay the seeds apart from each other in container then put 2 more paper towels over them and moisten the paper towels then seal the container and keep it in a dark place *Plant the seed 1 inch under the surface Vegetation: 2-3 Weeks *Pre-budding Flowering: About 9 Weeks *Bud growing Harvest: At peak after flowering *Water once a week if no rain that week *When harvesting carry cut end of the branches down *cut away all access leaves from buds and branches *then let them dry while hanging until they are dry enough