First grow, need tips

Discussion in 'First Time Marijuana Growers' started by JUICE79, Sep 13, 2009.

  1. Ok, I am getting ready for my first grow and need some pointers. I have a metal halide unit with a 400 watt bulb, also have a 175w bulb. Can someone recommend what type of soil and nutrients to use? I'd like to keep it cheap, but decent. Things I can pick up easily. Also can I use the MH through the whole process?

    Should I just put the seeds in the planters to start them off? That is how I've always done it, if not is there a better way? As far as the MH bulbs, could I use either one's? Would the 175w bulbs work good if I keep them close?

    Any help would be very much appreciated.
  2. [quote name='JUICE79']
    Should I just put the seeds in the planters to start them off? That is how I've always done it, if not is there a better way? As far as the MH bulbs, could I use either one's? Would the 175w bulbs work good if I keep them close?

    Any help would be very much appreciated.[/QUOTE

    The bulb must match the ballast.
  3. Ok, see that how much of a newb I am. It is a 400w ballast, so I guess that answers that question. Any tips on the rest???
  4. As stated above, use the 400. Bulb must match ballast.

    Alot of people do well with FoxFarm soils and nutes. Kind of expensive though if you cant get it locally.
    Pro-Mix is good also. I like to ammend it with perlite, castings, guano and lime.

    If you have no choice.
    It'll work but your yield will suffer, not much of a difference in potency though.
    HPS or full spectrum bulbs are best for flowering.

    No better ways, just different IMO. I always geminate right in whatever medium I use. Soil, rockwool, plugs, it doesnt matter.
    Just keep them warm and humid

    Sure, if you get a 175w MH ballast. You could use it for mothers and clones or a veg area or maybe to even supplement your 400.
  5. Thanks for the tips man, I really appreciate them!!
  6. You're welcome lady. :D

  7. LOL , sorry. Thanks darling.:D

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