First Grow Need Help, Slow Starting Plant? (Pics)

Discussion in 'Growing Marijuana Indoors' started by raw tunes, Feb 15, 2008.

  1. so heres my set up for now
    im planning on getting rid of the inner rubbermaid container once i get a better support for my light
    and im going to install an intake and exhaust fan

    but i wanted to start my plant so i thought i just get it going until i get those things this weekend

    heres how i started it out, this is where i need some help
    i germinated a seed and put in this peat pellet
    its been like 2 days and it hasnt grown through the surface, is this normal
    i barely even covered the seed with soil (less then a quarter inch deep)

    it feels really hot in the container
    so im thinking its too hot

    should i have put the germinated seed in the peat pellet and left in the dark until it broke through the surface?

    thanks in advance for your help

    Attached Files:

  2. dude. bigger is better. u need a better light and more of em. u need a bigger container cause thats not gonna be near big enough (if u get that thing to sprout) . you need to get some dirt and some perlite. also try to get some intake and out take fans
    good luck man
  3. i have another light im going to setup this weekend
    along with fans

    and that small rubbermaid container will be gone
    and i have soil to put that pellet into once it sprouts

  4. kk . just make sure to keep it well ventilated and id put that pellet in a plastic cup or styrofoam cup with some saran wrap over the top so it can sprout.
    what kinda light is that btw?
    it should be a cfl daylight spectrum if its not. make sure its daylight spectrum!~!!! they need that for veg!! id put another one or two in there tho. one wont do it imo.
    take it easy
  5. yeah its a CFL
    and does that saran wrap go just over the top of the cup (covering everything) or just on top of the pellet?
    is that to trap the humidity?
  6. Top of the cup to trap humidity. Two days and not sprouting is fine. If like a week goes by and it hasn't sprouted then you should start being concerned. Good luck:smoking:
  7. ok, thanks man

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