Well I'm reposting because I fell into a little bit of money. I've got about 425$ to spend, and I would like some advice on how to best use that money. The space I've got is about a 5' x 5' closet at least 8' tall, has a shelf on either side pretty high up, shouldnt interfere with growth too much. I took some pictures on my phone to show you guys what it looks like. (disregard the crap on the shelves, which i will be taking out as soon as i'm not lazy =D) Top Portion: Bottom Portion: I've got 11 germinated seeds planted and have been for about a day. My main concern was that with 425$ dollars, would it be more efficient to go all out on say 3 plants or so, and section off the closet into a couple rooms for veg/flowering, or keep 6 plants going and use the whole room? Also not sure if CFL's are my only option due to budget. I still have alot left to buy other than the lighting system too. Any help would be appreciated =D.
More direct question maybe will help. With a budget like 425$ is hps out of the question for my first grow?